Using Crystal Reports 8.5:
I am doing something basically wrong in the following formula.....
if len(trim({CONTAINER.Container Description})) > 0 then
MyValues := MyValues & (trim({LABITEM.Lab Item Number}) & "(" & trim({CONTAINER.Container Description}) & ")" & ", ")
MyValues := MyValues & (trim({LABITEM.Lab Item Number}) & ", ");
My "else" statement does not execute, which it should if there is no container. For items not in a container I get nothing printed (those in a container print fine). If I comment out all but the last line, items not in a container print fine.
Help please!
I am doing something basically wrong in the following formula.....
if len(trim({CONTAINER.Container Description})) > 0 then
MyValues := MyValues & (trim({LABITEM.Lab Item Number}) & "(" & trim({CONTAINER.Container Description}) & ")" & ", ")
MyValues := MyValues & (trim({LABITEM.Lab Item Number}) & ", ");
My "else" statement does not execute, which it should if there is no container. For items not in a container I get nothing printed (those in a container print fine). If I comment out all but the last line, items not in a container print fine.
Help please!