I'm experiencing problems with one of my reports. Whenever I run it, no data appears. However, when I run the query that I used to create the report, the data appears in the query. Does anyone know any reason why Access would torment me like this?
well first of all it is probably got to do with that Auto Torment feature Micrsoft put into Access. I seems to get me every time as well.
but I think it might have to do with a few thing:
1. do you have a filter set on he form that you are not aware of. check the properties
2. are you sending it a filter you are not aware of
3. is it possible that the query you are using not the same one you have on the report. I do this alot when I have two or more versions of a query and forget to change it on the report control source.
Thanks for the reply. You were correct about the query. I changed something on the original query instead of the copy of I made. I guess I should apologize to the Access gods for blaming them. Thanks for your help!
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