I am preforming a set of calculations for each record in a table if it fits certain characteristics. For some reason I always get an error message that says "No current record." AFTER it has gone through all of the records. I can't seem to keep it from attempting the calculations that last time. Can anyone help??
Private Sub Calculate_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Calculate_Click
Private Sub Calculate_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Calculate_Click
Dim dbsBM As Database
Dim rstFGResin As Recordset
Dim rstPFInv As Recordset
Dim rstProd As Recordset
Dim rstFGBOM As Recordset
Dim rstSHResin As Recordset
Dim rstBotBOM As Recordset
Dim rstPFBOM As Recordset
Dim rstScrap As Recordset
Dim rstUsage As Recordset
Dim rstLine As Recordset
'Run 3 Calculation Queries
DoCmd.RunMacro "Open Subtotals"
'Open database
Set dbsBM = CurrentDb()
'Open 2 calculation record tables
Set rstFGResin = dbsBM.OpenRecordset("Full Goods Resin Calculations")
Set rstSHResin = dbsBM.OpenRecordset("Sipa and Husky Resin Calculations")
'Open BOM tables and line table
Set rstFGBOM = dbsBM.OpenRecordset("Bottle to FG SF and Bottle Usage")
Set rstBotBOM = dbsBM.OpenRecordset("Preform to Bottle SF and Preform Usage")
Set rstPFBOM = dbsBM.OpenRecordset("Resin to Preform SF and Resin Usage")
Set rstLine = dbsBM.OpenRecordset("Product By Line")
'Open Inventory, Usage, Scrap, and Production tables
Set rstPFInv = dbsBM.OpenRecordset("Preforms pulled from inventory")
Set rstProd = dbsBM.OpenRecordset("Production")
Set rstScrap = dbsBM.OpenRecordset("Scrap")
Set rstUsage = dbsBM.OpenRecordset("Usage")
Do Until rstProd.EOF = True
If rstProd!Material Like "1#####" Then
rstFGResin!Date = rstProd![Post date]
rstFGResin!SAP = rstProd!Material
rstFGResin!ims = rstProd![Old matl]
rstFGResin!Line = DLookup("[line]", "Product by line", "[sap id] = '" & rstProd!Material & "'")
rstFGResin![cases produced] = rstProd!SumOfQuantity
If DLookup("[line]", "Product by line", "[sap id] = '" & rstProd!Material & "'") = 5 Or DLookup("[line]", "Product by line", "[sap id] = '" & rstProd!Material & "'") = 6 Then
'Calculations for bottle off of SIPA
If rstFGBOM![Bottle IMS] = "bot33026ssl" Then
'Calculate bottle usage and store in FG resin calculations table.
rstFGResin![calculated bottle usage] = rstFGResin![cases produced] * rstFGBOM![Bottles per case]
'Calculate bottle scrap and store in FG resin calculations table.
rstFGResin![calculated bottle scrap] = (rstFGBOM![Bottles per case] * rstFGBOM![Bottle Scrap Factor]) * rstFGResin![cases produced]
'Calculate amount of resin used not including Scrap
rstFGResin![resin calculated] = rstProd!SumOfQuantity * DLookup([Bottles per case], "bottle to fg sf and bottle usage", "[sap id] = '" & rstProd!Material & "'")
rstFGResin![resin calculated] = rstProd![resin calculated] * DLookup([Preforms needed], "bottle to fg sf and bottle usage", "[sap id] = '" & rstProd!Material & "'")
rstFGResin![resin calculated] = rstProd![resin calculated] * DLookup([Resin Needed], "bottle to fg sf and bottle usage", "[sap id] = '" & rstProd!Material & "'")
'Calculate amount of resin used to produce scraped bottles and add it to the total resin used
rstFGResin![resin calculated] = rstFGResin![resin calculated] + (rstFGResin![calculated bottle scrap] * rstFGBOM![Resin Needed])
'Calculate Resin Scrap.
rstFGResin![resin scrap calculated] = (rstFGResin![calculated bottle usage] * rstFGBOM![Resin Scrap Factor]) + (rstFGResin![calculated bottle scrap] * rstFGBOM![Resin Scrap Factor])
'Calculate bottle usage and store in FG resin calculations table.
rstFGResin![calculated bottle usage] = rstFGResin![cases produced] * rstFGBOM![Bottles per case]
'Calculate bottle scrap and store in FG resin calculations table.
rstFGResin![calculated bottle scrap] = (rstFGBOM![Bottles per case] * rstFGBOM![Bottle Scrap Factor]) * rstFGResin![cases produced]
'Calculate preform usage
rstFGResin![calculated preform usage] = rstFGResin![calculated bottle usage] + rstFGResin![calculated bottle scrap]
'calculate prefrom scrap and store in fg resin calculatinos table.
rstFGResin![calculated preform scrap] = rstFGResin![calculated preform usage] * DLookup("[preform scrap factor]", "Bottle to FG SF and bottle usage", "[SAP ID] = '" & rstFGResin!SAP & "'")
'Calculate total amount of resin used
rstFGResin![resin calculated] = rstProd!SumOfQuantity * DLookup("[Bottles per case]", "bottle to fg sf and bottle usage", "[sap id] = '" & rstProd!Material & "'")
rstFGResin![resin calculated] = rstFGResin![resin calculated] * DLookup("[Preforms needed]", "bottle to fg sf and bottle usage", "[sap id] = '" & rstFGResin!SAP & "'")
rstFGResin![resin calculated] = rstFGResin![resin calculated] * DLookup("[Resin Needed]", "bottle to fg sf and bottle usage", "[sap id] = '" & rstFGResin!SAP & "'")
'Calculate amount of resin used to produce scraped preforms/bottles and add to total
rstFGResin![resin calculated] = rstFGResin![resin calculated] + (rstFGResin![calculated preform scrap] * rstFGBOM![Resin Needed])
'Calculate Resin Scrap.
rstFGResin![resin scrap calculated] = (rstFGResin![calculated preform usage] * rstFGBOM![Resin Scrap Factor]) + (rstFGResin![calculated preform scrap] * rstFGBOM![Resin Scrap Factor])
End If '(Bottle from SIPA or husky)
End If '(not line 5 or 6)
End If '(1?????)
Loop '(do until rstprod.eof = true)
Exit Sub
Msgbox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Calculate_Click
End Sub