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No adapters bound to TCP/IP are enabled for DHCP 1

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Jan 3, 2003

Earlier today I ran a load of windows updates for a mates PC. This included various Security patches at the installation of Windows Service Pack 4 for Win2k. Now for some really weird reason, when ever I connect to the net it always displays a "Cannot find Server or DNS Error" for any page I try to view.

I've been trying to investigate this further and I'm at a little bit of a loss....I assume it has something to do with the IP Address, TCP/IP and DHCP, but as to what....I have no idea?!

I've removed and re-installed the TCP/IP service to no avail. If I check the IPConfig / all it displays the following information:

Windows 2000 IP Configuration

Host Name................: rainbow-ey85okd
Primary DNS Suffix.......:
Node Tpye................: Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled.......: No
WINS Proxy Enabled.......: No

If I try to run IPConfig /renew or Release it just says:

Error: No adapters bound to TCP/IP are enabled for DHCP

I just don't know what to do! Please help....my mates not too impressed and I don't really fancy a full re-install of the OS.

What can I do??
What have you set the first page of the TCP/IP Properties sheet to show? It must be set to "Obtain an IP address automaticly"
Thanks bcastner, I'll give the Winsock Fix a try tonight...

however, just to add to my nightmare the owner of the lap top I was using to research the problem has just contacted me to say they now have the same problem. They connect to the net and it just says, "Cannot find Server or DNS Error"!? This now makes me suspect this could be a possible virus / worm as I recollect using a floppy between the machines.....curse my stupidity?! :-( Has anyone heard of / had this before?!

I just pray that the Winsock Fix works....

In the meantime if anyone else has got any ideas, please let me know...

The laptop is running XP and the desktop is Win2K - both recently had the Blaster.Worm virus which I removed.
OK, this may sound like a numpty question, but how can I verify that the DNS settings are correct for a standalone home PC? Isn't there a setting in the Dial up properties that you can tick to automatically set DNS Settings?

Thanks for the link bcastner, lots of info there to help me get to the route of the problem. For that you get the star! ;-)

I'll let you know how I get on...fingers crossed...hopefully its the same problem on the XP laptop!

Thanks again!
Well, I'm still in the same predicament as yesterday. I ran the Winsock repair facility, but the problem still remained. I uninstalled the Internet Dial-up Connection and re-installed it. I even removed IE6 and re-installed that...still no joy!

This is doing my head in! Any more suggestions? I've been reading through that checklist you gave bcastner and checking the HOSTs file seems to be a solution that I haven't tried yet. What exactly is in this file and what should I do to it exactly?!

The TCP/IP properties were set to "Otain an IP address automatically" as was "Obtain DNS Settings automatically".

Linkman mentioned a fixed DNS address....how can I try that one?

It's seriously looking like a full re-installed of the OS (Win2K), but I'm hoping that can be avoided as I mentioned earlier this has also affected my friends Laptop who's running XP and I don't want to have to rebuild 2 PCs in a week :-(
Just found some information on the HOST file....I assume when I find it I need to put a # in front of all the IP addresses (if any) accept the local host ( is that correct....[morning]
Oh and another thing I forgot to post....when looking into the problem last night, I discovered that the %systemroot% was c:\WINNT\...

The thing is, this PC is running Windows 2000....is that normal, or could this be a determining factor??? Getting more and more confused as time goes on...!!
On a new installation your HOSTS file should essentially be empty of everything but a few comments (#) and the reference to localhost. More on this in a moment.

C:\winnt\ is correct for Windows 2000 as the location for system files.

The fact that your HOSTS file is populated, and Winsock is not being bound is very suspicious. It is also suspicious that a winsock service repair, and a complete removal of your DUN services and their replacement did not yield an answer.

Download to a floppy disk and run on the machines:

. Hijack This!
. SpyBot Search and Destroy

From this site:
And LSP-Fix, from this site:
Thanks again for your help bcastner, I'll give these a try tonight as well.

Can't download SpyBot S&D to floppy as its 3.5MB, but I may be able to burn it to CD (if the nice IT Support man at my company lets me!) ;-)

Fingers crossed this helps.....really can't face a full re-install of the OS %-(
Try this: Right-Click My Network Places on your desktop and choose properties, and look on the left for your network connection. Follow that row to the Status column -- is the network connection's status set to "disabled"? If so, right-click the connection to Enable it. Oh, you have to change your view first, and select Details.

Does this help?

theFourthwall, my Network Connection doesn't show a status of enabled / disabled, it just says disconnected / connected...

Well, I think I'm going to have to admit defeat...nothing has worked and I am at a total loss as to what else to do...

To summarise:

Can connect to the Internet, but all that is displayed is, "Server not found or DNS Error" on every site visited.

Have un-installed and re-installed, TCP/IP (via properties for connection - I did not change anything in the registry)

Have un-installed and re-installed my DUN Connection

I have run WinSock Fix

I have run LSP-Fix, which fixed nothing. The advanced users section displayed the following info under the KEEP window:

rnr20.dll tcpip
winrnr.dll NTDS
nwprovau.dll NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol

msafd.dll (Protocol Handler)
rsvpsp.dll (Protocol Handler)

I didn't know what to keep or remove in that section so I just clicked finished and it said nothing had been changed.

The HOSTS file just contains the information you would expect - no additional entries in there.

I ran HijackThis! which found a number of 'problems' - nothing appeared to be obvious.

I also ran SpyBot Search & Destroy - which also found problems, which I removed, but still I am unable to connect to the net... :-(

I guess that's it then??
To resolve this issue, use any of the following methods, as appropriate to your circumstances:
Re-send the Internet request. To do this, press F5 in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Manually establish the connection to the Internet by using the ICS host computer.
Add the NameSvrQueryTimeout string value to the following registry key:

To do this, follow these steps.

WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
Locate and then select the following registry key:

On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click String Value.
Name the string value as follows:

Double-click NameSvrQueryTimeout, and then in the Value data field, type 10000 to set a timeout value of 10 seconds to allow the host computer to finish connecting to the Internet.
Adjust the number as needed (10000 = 10 seconds).
Quit Registry Editor.
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