Maybe you ought to explain what it is you are tying to do, and don't say refresh a Nitro range? What is this range, where is this range and what about it needs to be refreshed.
Plz be very specific. I, nor most other members, probably ever heard of Nitro, so what are you using it for? What does Excel have to do with nitro?
Skip, Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance!
Nielsen Nitro is an application to extract data from the Database.Also range is called Blueberry range to refresh the data
I've tried to use below VBA, but it was not working
Dim acnNitro As New ACNNITRO
Dim acnNitroUpdate As ACNielsenNitro.ACNNitroUpdate
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim bret as Boolean
acnNitro.ParentApp = Application
acnNitroUpdate = acnNitro.ACNNitroUpdate
WS = ActiveSheet 'or Set WS = WorkSheets("My Sheet")
bret = acnNitroUpdate.UpdateAllNRanges(WS, ntrSelectGet)
acnNitro = Nothing
acnNitroUpdate = Nothing
WB = Nothing
It seems, from the snapshot of your Excel, that you have some Nielsen Data tools, that you have circled. Use them in conjunction with your macro recorder to accomplish the refresh you desire MANUALLY. Then COPY the recorded code and PASTE the code here for help customizing.
But more pressing is for you to have a clear understanding of this Nielsen product and how it integrates with Excel. If you can't explain that to us (don't believe anyone here is a Nielsen expert) you won't get must good help.
Skip, Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance!
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