I get this strange error just before the mksysb has been fully restored:
Unpack: file out of phase
Unpack: internal unpacking error: decode failure
Restore: Out of space
BOS Install: Restore of Base Operating System from /NIM_BOS_IMAGE failed.
1 Continue
2 Perform System Maintenance and Then Continue
The mksysb is only a few GB and the disk I'm installing on is 144GB. I've said no to recover devices.
After it says Copying Cu* I get lots of:
After copying Cu* I get lots of:
Read-only file system
check_lock[2121]: /usr/lpp/.genlib.lock.check: cannot create
cat: cannot open /usr/lpp/.genlib.lock.check
installp: "usr" part is on a read only file system
Specify parts with the -O[r]
devinstall: 0514-720 Unable to open the file /usr/sys/inst.data/sys_bundles/devices.bnd
Read-only file system
I've increased the filesystems on the NIM server because I thought that might have been the problem but it didn't help.
Anyone got an idea.