Technical User
Hi guys,
I have a system with the last version of AIX 5.3ML2 on which I installed nim master (nim_master_setup).
After the installation (NIM master setup is complete - enjoy! I like this message) , I check the level of my systems it looks bad some filesets are missing for ML1 and ML2 (and my system was good before the install !!)...
# lsnim
master machines master
boot resources boot
nim_script resources nim_script
master_net networks ent
5300-00master_sysb resources mksysb
master_net_conf resources resolv_conf
bid_ow resources bosinst_data
530lpp_res resources lpp_source
530spot_res resources spot
basic_res_grp groups res_group
# oslevel -r
# instfix -i | grep _ML
All filesets for were found.
Not all filesets for 5300-01_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5300-02_AIX_ML were found.
and I would like to know if I did something wrong and how to fix it - should I reinstall ML1 and ML2 or reinstall AIX5.3ML0 and setup nim and afer upgrade the NIM master ?
I really dont know what to do ...
Thanks in advance for your help
I have a system with the last version of AIX 5.3ML2 on which I installed nim master (nim_master_setup).
After the installation (NIM master setup is complete - enjoy! I like this message) , I check the level of my systems it looks bad some filesets are missing for ML1 and ML2 (and my system was good before the install !!)...
# lsnim
master machines master
boot resources boot
nim_script resources nim_script
master_net networks ent
5300-00master_sysb resources mksysb
master_net_conf resources resolv_conf
bid_ow resources bosinst_data
530lpp_res resources lpp_source
530spot_res resources spot
basic_res_grp groups res_group
# oslevel -r
# instfix -i | grep _ML
All filesets for were found.
Not all filesets for 5300-01_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5300-02_AIX_ML were found.
and I would like to know if I did something wrong and how to fix it - should I reinstall ML1 and ML2 or reinstall AIX5.3ML0 and setup nim and afer upgrade the NIM master ?
I really dont know what to do ...
Thanks in advance for your help