We have recently installed a Merlin Legend R7 at our workplace. We don't have an Auto Attendant of Voice mail.
I am checking to see if I have Night Service with Time Control set up correctly. I want Night Service to turn on automatically at 4:30 and have the receptionist manually turn it off in the morning.
Here is how I have it set up:
1. No Stop Time
2. Start Time is 16:30 on days 1-5
3. No Start Time for days 0 and 7
4. Time Control On
Is this correct?
I just curious as it doesn't seem to be working properly.
Thank You
I am checking to see if I have Night Service with Time Control set up correctly. I want Night Service to turn on automatically at 4:30 and have the receptionist manually turn it off in the morning.
Here is how I have it set up:
1. No Stop Time
2. Start Time is 16:30 on days 1-5
3. No Start Time for days 0 and 7
4. Time Control On
Is this correct?
I just curious as it doesn't seem to be working properly.
Thank You