Working on a Merlin Magix R4 w/ Merlin Messaging R2.5. The issue is that the voicemail is not playing the night greeting when the switch is in nights. It plays the day greeting no matter what the status of the night button is.
I verified that the AA's are set to follow switch-mode to make the change from day to night.
This setup uses the operator ext. 3000 as AA 1, so there is no MB for ext. 3000. This system has been in and working fine for some time, and as far as I know nothing has been changed, at least not by me
I verified that the AA's are set to follow switch-mode to make the change from day to night.
This setup uses the operator ext. 3000 as AA 1, so there is no MB for ext. 3000. This system has been in and working fine for some time, and as far as I know nothing has been changed, at least not by me