Linux bash has the env.var PROMPT_COMMAND. You can set is in your .profile e.g:
In your xterm or PuTTy your window title will display "user@hostname:current directory". When you cd to antoher dir the title will be updated.
When you ssh to another linux machine (with PROMP_COMMAND set) you'll see everything updated! Very nice.
When you ssh to a "real" unix/ksh machine.... no go
The linux behavious cannot be accomplished. But a nice bypass in your .profile
This will bring "hostname(user)" in the title. Only once. An updated directory cannot be done. But, that's part of our PS1, isitnot?
When you access multiple machines this is a very nice option.
export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/~}\007"'
When you ssh to another linux machine (with PROMP_COMMAND set) you'll see everything updated! Very nice.
When you ssh to a "real" unix/ksh machine.... no go
The linux behavious cannot be accomplished. But a nice bypass in your .profile
echo "\033]0;$(uname -n)($(whoami))\007"
This will bring "hostname(user)" in the title. Only once. An updated directory cannot be done. But, that's part of our PS1, isitnot?
When you access multiple machines this is a very nice option.