I am running 8.80 Universe with Nortel and have just started rceiving the following errors. "NiceLog"
This error occurs every 20 minutes then comes back.
Dispatch: Process c:\NICECTI\Bin\Symposium.exe Died
Process c:\NICECTI\Bin\Symposium.exe Restarted
Symposium: Registry parameter SleepBetweenDataRequest does not exist. Taking default 7 seconds.
PC user already logged in :60034
This happens 7 times then it restarts the symposium driver.
Any ideas, I haven't
I am running 8.80 Universe with Nortel and have just started rceiving the following errors. "NiceLog"
This error occurs every 20 minutes then comes back.
Dispatch: Process c:\NICECTI\Bin\Symposium.exe Died
Process c:\NICECTI\Bin\Symposium.exe Restarted
Symposium: Registry parameter SleepBetweenDataRequest does not exist. Taking default 7 seconds.
PC user already logged in :60034
This happens 7 times then it restarts the symposium driver.
Any ideas, I haven't