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Nfuse 1.7 clASSic apps spawn blank windows

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Mar 6, 2003
I have an issue running published apps from the new nfuse solution I am setting up. All is well getting through RSA, Windows login and geting your list of applications. What happens when you select one of the apps is that the IE frame opens with the title of the app you selected but the windows never fills in, just stays grey. No errors are returned to clients or posted in the servers event log. Happens for everyone regardless of IE version, OS. Wondering if any one has seen similar issue.

My environment is W2K SP3 Nfuse server 1.7Classic wSE-IIS (which is latest aval I believe, though different version than my production 1.7 NF setup), CSG and STA all on seperate W2K Sp3 srvrs. All client testing is done internally though the NF and CGS servers are in DMZ-2, STA is private. Clients are ICA java for IE.

I was originally suspicious of the CSG but has since been rebuilt from the OS up. That was not the issue though. I am now suspicious of the newer version of the NF 1.7 or the possibility that the servers were built as SP3, as prod servers (Nfuse, CGS, STA) went in as sp2 and were upgraded later.

Thanks for your time,
Is your Firewall running NAT, and have you set the alternate addresses for your MetaFrame servers? Sounds like the NFuse, I mean, Web Interface server is picking up the details from the farm, but the farm can't pass the apps back to the client through the Secure Gateway.

Hope this helps

Hello shouldbblank,

It sounds like a problem we have using the Java client where a gray IE box comes up while the Java client is downloaded to the workstation (this has been taking up to 15-20 minutes to work - if at all).

A way to test that your ened-to-end NFuse setup is working would be to download and install the latest ICA client onto that workstation (whatever the platform, win32, linux etc) and then change your NFuse session preferences once you're authenticated - to 'Local Client' instead of 'Java Client' or 'Auto'. That way, NFuse will send an .ica file to the workstation and the local client will use it to connect - it's a lot quicker than using Java.

The NFuse session prefs are set using the little 'toolbox' icon in the top right corner of the application icons window once you've logged in.


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Just my $0.02 worth - if you're running CSG it's likely that you're using SSL. By default the SSL java package does not normally get transferred so perhaps that's what's happening. You can go into NFuseadmin and choose to download by default the ssl backage to all clients, or as a client (assuming that this has been enabled via NFuseadmin) you can click on the tools icon on the NFuse page and choose to download the SSL package.

As an aside, I'd also recommend/suggest (if you want to use the java client) to give the latest version a try.

Oh, and as wmg notes definitely check it all works using the standard ICA client first. Also, try clearing out your cache so that the java files download again - and watch carefully as you try to connect & the java files download again in case an error message appears that you've been missing.

Thanks CitrixEngineer, wmg, BeerGood,

The ICA test was successful. It appereared that the SSL/TLS java package was missing from the webservers file system. A quick copy from the prod webserever put the files in place, reboot and a working Nfuse solution appears.

Still a but puzzled as to why there are no error messages displayed to the client or the webserver. But I can live with it.

Thanks Again,
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