We have to sun servers at our location. I have been trying to mount a directory on the second server onto the first.
After I do share -F nfs "directory". And then do
dfshares on the same machine ....I get the following error...
nfs dfshares:dc-sun6: RPC: Program not registered
I get the similar error
RPC: Program not registered. When I do a mount from First server using the command
mount -F nfs -m "secondserver":"directory" "mountdirectory"
Any help would be appreciated...
After I do share -F nfs "directory". And then do
dfshares on the same machine ....I get the following error...
nfs dfshares:dc-sun6: RPC: Program not registered
I get the similar error
RPC: Program not registered. When I do a mount from First server using the command
mount -F nfs -m "secondserver":"directory" "mountdirectory"
Any help would be appreciated...