I'm terribly frustrated trying to plan my future, because I am torn between wanting to be a web manager and wanting to be a web developer. In my current job I am both, which in some ways is the best of both worlds, but also the worst.
If I am the web manager or project manager, and have ownership of my web projects, it means I have to play politics with executives who don't know what they are talking about and want to tell me how to do my job....and smile and be polite while doing it (not easy). And all the while I am explaining why something is not possible or correct, I am thinking about the logic I need to be writing. (Or, in a future management-only job, the logic I wish I was writing....it would be the talk talk ALL the time.)
But if I say, okay--I'm a techie only, then somebody else will be making promises I will have to keep. I lose control....and control over my work is extremely important to me. I am very experienced, way above entry-level now, and I can't stand the thought of going back to implementing somebody else's ideas. It feels like going backwards.
I feel like in my next job I have to go one way or the other.
The only other thing I can think of is maybe becoming a trainer....anyway, I can't be the first one in IT with this dilemma. I'd like to hear anyone else's similar experiences in choosing a career path.