I am just curious on how News Servers work. My ISP only allows me to download a certain amount of data per month. Would downloading from my ISP's newserver count towards this download quota?
I think a news sever would be the same as conntecting to another other server (web server)
So connecting to a ISP news sever, and connecting to a ISP web server would be the same, and both would count towards my download quota.
Same with connecting to a Japanese news server and a Japanese web server. Both count towards download quota?
A friend of mine says an ISP news sever doesn't cost anything for the ISP (They do not pay the "Government" he says, for use of the internet network) so it would not count towards the download quota. He says connecting to the ISP news sever (you would not need internet to do so, if the ISP cut off your internet usage, you could still connect to the ISP news sever (even though you can not connect to the ISP web page) so it doesn't count towards download quota? Is this correct?
Do you need internet to download from a ISP news sever?
Would downloading from a ISP newsever be any different from download from a ISP web server?
I am just curious on how News Servers work. My ISP only allows me to download a certain amount of data per month. Would downloading from my ISP's newserver count towards this download quota?
I think a news sever would be the same as conntecting to another other server (web server)
So connecting to a ISP news sever, and connecting to a ISP web server would be the same, and both would count towards my download quota.
Same with connecting to a Japanese news server and a Japanese web server. Both count towards download quota?
A friend of mine says an ISP news sever doesn't cost anything for the ISP (They do not pay the "Government" he says, for use of the internet network) so it would not count towards the download quota. He says connecting to the ISP news sever (you would not need internet to do so, if the ISP cut off your internet usage, you could still connect to the ISP news sever (even though you can not connect to the ISP web page) so it doesn't count towards download quota? Is this correct?
Do you need internet to download from a ISP news sever?
Would downloading from a ISP newsever be any different from download from a ISP web server?