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Newly created mailboxes on EXCH2K not recieving mail.

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Technical User
May 21, 2004
was wondering if any of you could help.

recently, whenever we create new mail accounts on our exch2k box through AD, that specific mailbox does not recive mail from external sources.

the new mailbox can recieve mail internally fine,
it can send mail internally and externally fine,
BUT it does not recieve external mails...
the sexternal sender does not get any NDRs.

Anyw ideas?
this used to work fine untill a week ago. somehow something has changed. have checked everything but cant see anything out the ordinary.

please help....
Check the ALIASES that the mailbox is being setup with.

Go into AD, right click on the user and choose properties.
Select EMAIL ADDRESSES and make sure that the correct email address is in there that the external users are trying to send to.

If not, add the correct SMTP address and set that as the primary.


yes the account in AD has ot aliases assigned to them and they also have the correct smpt addresses in the emailm address tab.

any other ideas?
You could get the internal user to send an external email and then choose reply. See if the external user is able to reply directly to the email.

Also, whilst replying, check the email address that has sent and make sure it is the address external users are using.

Hope this helps.


hi pinhead,

i sent a mail to an external source,ie. yahoo.
the yahoo account recived the mail,i replied to sender and it failed.
however ,what i did notice was that when recieving the mail in my yahoo,in the from field, it displays not only the email account name, but also the following:

this is strange as working mail accounts dont have this....
any ideas?
When you check your e-mail in Yahoo you have the option (top right, next to “Printable View”) to see “Full Headers”.
Can you choose this option and post here the Full Header of your test message?


X-Apparently-To: tinorodrigues@yahoo.co.uk via; Mon, 02 Aug 2004 23:36:30 +0000
X-Originating-IP: []
Return-Path: <test_account@robertwalters.com.au>
Received: from (HELO mail1.messagelabs.com) ( by mta106.mail.ukl.yahoo.com with SMTP; Mon, 02 Aug 2004 23:36:30 +0000
X-VirusChecked: Checked
X-Env-Sender: Test_Account@robertwalters.com.au
X-Msg-Ref: server-18.tower-1.messagelabs.com!1091489787!17802642
X-StarScan-Version: 5.2.10; banners=robertwalters.com.au,-,-
X-Originating-IP: []
Received: (qmail 13993 invoked from network); 2 Aug 2004 23:36:28 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO localhost.localdomain) ( by server-18.tower-1.messagelabs.com with SMTP; 2 Aug 2004 23:36:28 -0000
Received: from exch_syd.internal.robertwalters.com ([]) by localhost.localdomain (8.12.10/8.12.9) with ESMTP id i730fmcm025240 for <tinorodrigues@yahoo.co.uk>; Tue, 3 Aug 2004 10:41:48 +1000
Received: by EXCH_SYD with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) id <P8RD2Z39>; Tue, 3 Aug 2004 09:35:34 +1000
Message-ID: <07E53999C6419B47B463FA7D4614690D0177A1E2@exch2k-syd.internal.robertwalters.com>
From: "Test_Account" <IMCEAEX-_O=ROBERT+20WALTERS_OU=RW+5FSYD_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=TEST+5FACCOUNT@robertwalters.com.au> Add to Address Book
To: "'tinorodrigues@yahoo.co.uk'" <tinorodrigues@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: testing123456789
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 09:36:19 +1000
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C478E9.8358207E"
X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.39
Content-Length: 801



X-Apparently-To: tinorodrigues@yahoo.co.uk via; Tue, 03 Aug 2004 01:06:35 +0000
X-Originating-IP: []
Return-Path: <brenda.strydom@robertwalters.com.au>
Received: from (HELO mail1.messagelabs.com) ( by mta101.mail.ukl.yahoo.com with SMTP; Tue, 03 Aug 2004 01:06:35 +0000
X-VirusChecked: Checked
X-Env-Sender: brenda.strydom@robertwalters.com.au
X-Msg-Ref: server-13.tower-1.messagelabs.com!1091495191!17744732
X-StarScan-Version: 5.2.10; banners=robertwalters.com.au,-,-
X-Originating-IP: []
Received: (qmail 9845 invoked from network); 3 Aug 2004 01:06:32 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO localhost.localdomain) ( by server-13.tower-1.messagelabs.com with SMTP; 3 Aug 2004 01:06:32 -0000
Received: from exch_syd.internal.robertwalters.com ([]) by localhost.localdomain (8.12.10/8.12.9) with ESMTP id i732Bqcm027717 for <tinorodrigues@yahoo.co.uk>; Tue, 3 Aug 2004 12:11:52 +1000
Received: by EXCH_SYD with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) id <P8RD25WY>; Tue, 3 Aug 2004 11:05:38 +1000
Message-ID: <07E53999C6419B47B463FA7D4614690DFA2CE1@exch2k-syd.internal.robertwalters.com>
From: "Brenda Strydom - Sydney" <brenda.strydom@robertwalters.com.au> Add to Address Book
To: "'tinorodrigues@yahoo.co.uk'" <tinorodrigues@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: testing1234567890
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 11:06:23 +1000
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C478F6.180031F0"
X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.39
Content-Length: 1448

Hope this ok.....
Just a shot in the dark, but has anyone made any changes to your Firewall SMTP settings.

I know that we were having proplems a while ago where we were being bombarded with emails addressed to every name under the sun with our domain name at the end. For example if our Domain was test.com we would receive hundreds of emails with different names infront of our domain (joe@test.com, mike@test.com, and so on) all of this junk mail was hitting our Exchange server and our Exchange server in turn, had to filter the bad messages out. It caused serious slow down times. What we did to remedy the proplem is setup a SMTP on our Watchguard Firewall to only allow messages to the users on our domain. We added the email address of everyone on our network to the Allowed To field of our SMTP Incoming, resulting in only email addresses entered in the field to be allowed in.

As it stands, everytime we create a new mailbox on our Exchange server, we must add the email address to the SMTP filter or the users will only be able to send and receive email internally and send externally only, they would not be able to receive mail from the outside of our domain until the email address was added to the Firwall.

Again, this is simply to open your eyes to other possible causes to the your problem. It might not be what the cause is but it is worth looking into. Also, this approach releaves some burden off of our Exchange server because it no longer has to address bad email addresses.
i doubt it would be that 2cornot2c,
as we havent made any firewall changes.

But thanks for the suggestion anyway.

any othe takerS?
Hi, I presume the +5F is the symbol used between test and account.

I would start by removing this from your email address. Set an alias up in the email address tab to show testaccount@robertwalters.com.au

Next I would open a telnet session on your exchange server such as..

Telnet locahost 25

Then enter the commnads.
mail from:test@test.com
rcpt to:testaccount@robertwalters.com.au

if you get back an OK (250 2.1.5) then the mail server recons the recipient is valid. You can then go onto sending the rest of the commands to the server.

test message

I would test this for you but as you relay through message labs I can't.

If this is recieved by the test account then you are going to have to start putting on traceing on the smtp server. Might also be worth calling message labs to see if they can trace the replys to you.


Chris Styles

NT4/2000 MCSE
Thanks for jumping in all. I was starting to run out of ideas. Most informative. Learnt lots too.

Hope this helps you out Tinito.


Are the new mailboxes residing on the same exchange server as the old mailboxes?
yes, the old mailboxes are on the same server as new mailboxes.
I would guess that something hapended to the recipient update service. Have a check on your recipient policy and recipient update service in System Manager. Recreate if necessary.
I once had a problem where new users created could not connect to their mailbox in Outlook. What I did was to enter the following commands at the cmd prompt of the Exchange Server - IPCONFIG/FlushDNS and IPCONFIG/RegisterDNS. After a while in the Event log it asked me to reboot my Global Catalog Server. It solved my problem after that. You could try that, or simply reboot your GCS.
Yep, that would sound right for users not getting into their mailboxes, but it would appear that this isn't a symptom here, it it?

Do any of the mail's end up in the badmail folder?

Chris Styles

NT4/2000 MCSE
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