I have a small little forum and when I query the database to get the posts, the newest posts appear at the bottom. I have tried the ORDER BY PostID, but it still orders them by the newest post last. How can I make the newest post appear at the top. This is probably a little mistake by me but it aint working.
Here is my code:
SQLGetPosts1 = "SELECT * FROM " & PostsTable & " WHERE " & "ForumID='" & Request.QueryString("FORUMID"
& "' ORDER BY PostID"
Set rs1 = Conn.Execute(SQLGetPosts1)
Thnx for your time,
Brent Newbury
Here is my code:
SQLGetPosts1 = "SELECT * FROM " & PostsTable & " WHERE " & "ForumID='" & Request.QueryString("FORUMID"
Set rs1 = Conn.Execute(SQLGetPosts1)
Thnx for your time,
Brent Newbury