First of al, Thanks to all who read and especially to those who reply and sorry about th ewidth of this post!
I heve a script on a page that uses the on_click to open a page with restricted size and controls in a new window. I would like to know how to add more links to that script so that more widows will open up when clicked on without duplicatin the entire script.
Below is what I am currently using:
function open_win(what_link){
var the_url = "calcs/piti.htm"
var the_x = 320;
var the_y = 480;
the_x -= 0;
the_y -= 0;
var how_wide = screen.availWidth;
var how_high = screen.availHeight;
if(what_link != ""
var the_toolbar = "no";
var the_addressbar = "no";
var the_directories = "no";
var the_statusbar = "no";
var the_menubar = "no";
var the_scrollbars = "no";
var the_do_resize = "no";
var the_copy_history = "no";
top_pos = (how_high/2) - (the_y/2);
left_pos = (how_wide/2) - (the_x/2);
if (window.outerWidth ){
var option = "toolbar="+the_toolbar+",location="+the_addressbar+",directories="+the_directories+",status="+the_statusbar+",menubar="+the_menubar+",scrollbars="+the_scrollbars+",resizable="+the_do_resize+",outerWidth="+the_x+",outerHeight="+the_y+",copyhistory="+the_copy_history+",left="+left_pos+",top="+top_pos;
site=open(the_url, "DisplayWindow", option);
var Opera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1);
var option = "toolbar="+the_toolbar+",location="+the_addressbar+",directories="+the_directories+",status="+the_statusbar+",menubar="+the_menubar+",scrollbars="+the_scrollbars+",resizable="+the_do_resize+",Width="+the_x+",Height="+the_y+",copyhistory="+the_copy_history+",left="+left_pos+",top="+top_pos;
site=open('', "DisplayWindow", option);
if({site.focus();return false;}
Of course all of the script tagging is in its proper location and the page works fine right now!
Hope someone canmake heads ortailsof this to allow multiple links.
Thanks again!
I heve a script on a page that uses the on_click to open a page with restricted size and controls in a new window. I would like to know how to add more links to that script so that more widows will open up when clicked on without duplicatin the entire script.
Below is what I am currently using:
function open_win(what_link){
var the_url = "calcs/piti.htm"
var the_x = 320;
var the_y = 480;
the_x -= 0;
the_y -= 0;
var how_wide = screen.availWidth;
var how_high = screen.availHeight;
if(what_link != ""
var the_toolbar = "no";
var the_addressbar = "no";
var the_directories = "no";
var the_statusbar = "no";
var the_menubar = "no";
var the_scrollbars = "no";
var the_do_resize = "no";
var the_copy_history = "no";
top_pos = (how_high/2) - (the_y/2);
left_pos = (how_wide/2) - (the_x/2);
if (window.outerWidth ){
var option = "toolbar="+the_toolbar+",location="+the_addressbar+",directories="+the_directories+",status="+the_statusbar+",menubar="+the_menubar+",scrollbars="+the_scrollbars+",resizable="+the_do_resize+",outerWidth="+the_x+",outerHeight="+the_y+",copyhistory="+the_copy_history+",left="+left_pos+",top="+top_pos;
site=open(the_url, "DisplayWindow", option);
var Opera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1);
var option = "toolbar="+the_toolbar+",location="+the_addressbar+",directories="+the_directories+",status="+the_statusbar+",menubar="+the_menubar+",scrollbars="+the_scrollbars+",resizable="+the_do_resize+",Width="+the_x+",Height="+the_y+",copyhistory="+the_copy_history+",left="+left_pos+",top="+top_pos;
site=open('', "DisplayWindow", option);
if({site.focus();return false;}
Of course all of the script tagging is in its proper location and the page works fine right now!
Hope someone canmake heads ortailsof this to allow multiple links.
Thanks again!