So here is what I have so far. I did not create the table however, I did create the SQL statement.
My end result is
I ran it so it would only pick up 8 rows. I actually want it to pull back all records that have a create date between 01/01/2008 and 12/31/2008. I also want to be sure that there are no duplicates.
The floor is open for correction..
select a.created_on, a.itemid, a.quantity, a.workorder
from trakstar.workitem a
where rownum <=8
My end result is
25-MAY-06 F7XC259001017||| 1 F00172848
25-MAY-06 ITEM32||| 2 F00172848
25-MAY-06 NAS1149F0332P||| 11 F00172848
25-MAY-06 NAS1149FN632P||| 8 F00172848
25-MAY-06 NAS1834-3-375||| 14 F00172848
25-MAY-06 NAS1836-06-07||| 8 F00172848
25-MAY-06 NAS1836-06-7||| 9 F00172848
11-MAY-06 F9DJ110007A0303||| 7 F00169372
I ran it so it would only pick up 8 rows. I actually want it to pull back all records that have a create date between 01/01/2008 and 12/31/2008. I also want to be sure that there are no duplicates.
The floor is open for correction..