after years of mainly using perl as my prmary scripting language I decided to look at python 2 days ago & am very very impressed. Please bear with me as I ask a few newbie questions
Is there a python release that will run under DOS ?
Has anybody any experience of running python under dos? 1 of the main limitations with perl is that it doesn't release memory very well so under dos with the 540k limit you begin to see problems if mutiple scripts run after one another
Can anybody recommend a good FREE windows based editor
Can anyone recommend a good reference book, perferably 1 that lists all the main modules & how to use them
Is there a windows compiler for python, activestate do a very good 1 for perl but I can't see any for python
after years of mainly using perl as my prmary scripting language I decided to look at python 2 days ago & am very very impressed. Please bear with me as I ask a few newbie questions
Is there a python release that will run under DOS ?
Has anybody any experience of running python under dos? 1 of the main limitations with perl is that it doesn't release memory very well so under dos with the 540k limit you begin to see problems if mutiple scripts run after one another
Can anybody recommend a good FREE windows based editor
Can anyone recommend a good reference book, perferably 1 that lists all the main modules & how to use them
Is there a windows compiler for python, activestate do a very good 1 for perl but I can't see any for python