I have a real problem and need some advice and assistance. Our IT dept consists of 3 people - me, Bob and Graeme. Bob's area of expertise is Lotus Notes. Mine is networking and software, Graeme's is networking and hardware. Bob is our boss. In April Bob became seriously ill, and has been out on disability ever since. I am going to get some Lotus Notes training, but not until August. In the meantime, Graeme and I are floundering around like fish out of water. One of our goals was to upgrade from R5 to R6. Our Domino Servers are R5.0.8 and the clients are R5.0.11. Graeme and I are going to set up a mini "test" network, one that will simulate our current environment.
We have 3 Domino Servers, one on "P1", one on "P2", and one on "P3". The one on P1 is the administrative server. The one on P2 is the application server. The one on P3 keeps a replica of what's on P2. Mail comes in and is directed to P1. P1 hands the mail off to P2. P2 has all of our databases, including mailboxes. I'm not sure why or if it's necessary to have it set up this way, but since we are going to upgrade, we're going to keep things the way they are (at least for now). So I have a few questions:
Can we install Domino Server 5.0.11 like we were just installing Notes for the first time, or is it just an upgrade? And if it's just an upgrade, what version to we need to install? BTW, when I first came on board, we were using R4.6, but neither Graeme nor I were involved in the upgrade to R5.
Is anyone out there familiar with TFS Secure Messaging? We are using this as our mail server. We know we don't need this anymore, and we want to stop using it. Hopefully, when we get R5 running on our test network without it, we can figure out how to upgrade to R6 without
keeping it in the mix.
Lastly, can anyone suggest some good training materials for me until I start attending classes in August?
Thanks so much for any/all replies!
We have 3 Domino Servers, one on "P1", one on "P2", and one on "P3". The one on P1 is the administrative server. The one on P2 is the application server. The one on P3 keeps a replica of what's on P2. Mail comes in and is directed to P1. P1 hands the mail off to P2. P2 has all of our databases, including mailboxes. I'm not sure why or if it's necessary to have it set up this way, but since we are going to upgrade, we're going to keep things the way they are (at least for now). So I have a few questions:
Can we install Domino Server 5.0.11 like we were just installing Notes for the first time, or is it just an upgrade? And if it's just an upgrade, what version to we need to install? BTW, when I first came on board, we were using R4.6, but neither Graeme nor I were involved in the upgrade to R5.
Is anyone out there familiar with TFS Secure Messaging? We are using this as our mail server. We know we don't need this anymore, and we want to stop using it. Hopefully, when we get R5 running on our test network without it, we can figure out how to upgrade to R6 without
keeping it in the mix.
Lastly, can anyone suggest some good training materials for me until I start attending classes in August?
Thanks so much for any/all replies!