Hi! I'm trying to import a text file using a schema.ini file. I want the user to be able to browse for the file and select the file and import it. I've seen the code to browse for the directory and I've seen the code to choose a file and they seem to be very two large and different pieces of code (I've found the code here: and here: I think I need the two separate pieces of information because of my code below. Is there a way to get the path from code for File Open/Save Dialog box or a way to edit my code below to just have the full path and filename all returned at one time?
Set tbl = Db.CreateTableDef("Imported Data"
tbl.Connect = "Text;DATABASE=" & szPath & ";TABLE=Extract.txt"
tbl.SourceTableName = "Extract.txt"
Db.TableDefs.Append tbl
I'm a newbie here, so sorry if my questions don't make a lot of sense!!!
Set tbl = Db.CreateTableDef("Imported Data"
tbl.Connect = "Text;DATABASE=" & szPath & ";TABLE=Extract.txt"
tbl.SourceTableName = "Extract.txt"
Db.TableDefs.Append tbl
I'm a newbie here, so sorry if my questions don't make a lot of sense!!!