I'm using Mepis 6.0 with XAMPP (mysql 5.0.24) and I'm
completely stuck I think,
I have two tables:
one for members (id, name, adres etc) and
one for the played games (date, season, round, gamenr, member_id1, score, member_id2, score etc)
I already have queries in which i calculate the points each player gets, make total score lists etc
One thing (for now) I cannot accomplish:
I want for every member a list with all the members they have not played against this season and this round (a gametype
in which everybody should play against everbody else).
The problem is that sometimes members.id 1 is in one game games.member_id1 and sometimes games.member_id2
I've been struggling with joins, nested joins, but if something came out it just was not what I wanted.
It must have been done before but for a newbie like me its almost impossible.
I hope this makes my problem clear.
Please give me a solution or the light because I running in the dark now (only with this problem)
Thanks in advance
I'm using Mepis 6.0 with XAMPP (mysql 5.0.24) and I'm
completely stuck I think,
I have two tables:
one for members (id, name, adres etc) and
one for the played games (date, season, round, gamenr, member_id1, score, member_id2, score etc)
I already have queries in which i calculate the points each player gets, make total score lists etc
One thing (for now) I cannot accomplish:
I want for every member a list with all the members they have not played against this season and this round (a gametype
in which everybody should play against everbody else).
The problem is that sometimes members.id 1 is in one game games.member_id1 and sometimes games.member_id2
I've been struggling with joins, nested joins, but if something came out it just was not what I wanted.
It must have been done before but for a newbie like me its almost impossible.
I hope this makes my problem clear.
Please give me a solution or the light because I running in the dark now (only with this problem)
Thanks in advance