I finally managed to piece together a machine from various parts laying around my home and I am determined to install a copy of Red Hat 6.0 that I've been foaming at the mouth to work with.<br>
I have checked with the hardware compatibility lists and have found no reason (I think) for any red flags (please excuse the pun). The hardware in question is an older HP Vectra VE (486/50) with 8Meg RAM/1.0Gig Western Digital HD. <br>
I read in the compatability list that 16Meg is minimum, but I've heard from a reliable source that they have managed to load 6.0 with 8Meg (command line only...not using XWindows).<br>
The CDROM is generic and has no labeling that refers to it's manufacturer, but on boot it is recognized as "Hitachi CDR-8335". The driver that DOS uses is an ATAPI driver (MSCDEX.EXE), and the CDROM is slaved to the HD on the onboard IDE controller.<br>
The bios and motherboard look to be propriatary HP (no reference to Phoenix, Award or AMI and nothing but a big "HP" sticker on the MB) and there is no onboard CDROM controller (only floppy and HD). There is no reference to CDROM configuration in the bios, and I'm not really sure if that matters. If it does, I still don't know how to update the bios, or even if it can be done for this machine.<br>
The first time I booted from the Linux disk (created using boot.img), I happily got all the way to the main installation menu. It went as far as the prompt to "load the CD", but froze as soon as I pressed <OK>. After several minutes, I received an error saying that it was not able to initialize the CDROM.<br>
I rebooted the machine and noticed the following error code displayed when the bootdisk was processing:<br>
hda: WDC AC21000H, ATA DISK drive<br>
hdb: , ATAPI CDROM drive<br>
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14<br>
hda: WDC AC21000H, 1033MB w/128kB Cache, CHS=525/64/63<br>
hdb: status error: status=0x18 {SeekComplete DataRequest}<br>
hdb: drive not ready for command<br>
hdb: ATAPI reset complete<br>
hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 {Busy}<br>
hdb: ATAPI reset complete<br>
hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 {Busy}<br>
end_request: I/O error, dev 03:40 (hdb)<br>
I also noticed that from the beginning of the coldboot until this part of the code I had been able to open/close the CDROM door. After this point there is no power to the CDROM and the door will not spin/open/close.<br>
I am a complete newbie (translation--Ignorant) to the world of Linux but eager to learn. I would really appreciate anyone that might be able to hit me over the head with a large object and get me on the right track.<br>
Thanks !!<br>
I have checked with the hardware compatibility lists and have found no reason (I think) for any red flags (please excuse the pun). The hardware in question is an older HP Vectra VE (486/50) with 8Meg RAM/1.0Gig Western Digital HD. <br>
I read in the compatability list that 16Meg is minimum, but I've heard from a reliable source that they have managed to load 6.0 with 8Meg (command line only...not using XWindows).<br>
The CDROM is generic and has no labeling that refers to it's manufacturer, but on boot it is recognized as "Hitachi CDR-8335". The driver that DOS uses is an ATAPI driver (MSCDEX.EXE), and the CDROM is slaved to the HD on the onboard IDE controller.<br>
The bios and motherboard look to be propriatary HP (no reference to Phoenix, Award or AMI and nothing but a big "HP" sticker on the MB) and there is no onboard CDROM controller (only floppy and HD). There is no reference to CDROM configuration in the bios, and I'm not really sure if that matters. If it does, I still don't know how to update the bios, or even if it can be done for this machine.<br>
The first time I booted from the Linux disk (created using boot.img), I happily got all the way to the main installation menu. It went as far as the prompt to "load the CD", but froze as soon as I pressed <OK>. After several minutes, I received an error saying that it was not able to initialize the CDROM.<br>
I rebooted the machine and noticed the following error code displayed when the bootdisk was processing:<br>
hda: WDC AC21000H, ATA DISK drive<br>
hdb: , ATAPI CDROM drive<br>
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7, 0x3f6 on irq 14<br>
hda: WDC AC21000H, 1033MB w/128kB Cache, CHS=525/64/63<br>
hdb: status error: status=0x18 {SeekComplete DataRequest}<br>
hdb: drive not ready for command<br>
hdb: ATAPI reset complete<br>
hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 {Busy}<br>
hdb: ATAPI reset complete<br>
hdb: irq timeout: status=0xd0 {Busy}<br>
end_request: I/O error, dev 03:40 (hdb)<br>
I also noticed that from the beginning of the coldboot until this part of the code I had been able to open/close the CDROM door. After this point there is no power to the CDROM and the door will not spin/open/close.<br>
I am a complete newbie (translation--Ignorant) to the world of Linux but eager to learn. I would really appreciate anyone that might be able to hit me over the head with a large object and get me on the right track.<br>
Thanks !!<br>