I have writen a program that catalogues media (IE game,dvds,books,videos ect) ,for each media title there is 2 richtextboxes and a image control. what i want to do is be able to print out a report of all the media i have catalogued,but i need to have an image and 2 richtext boxes to print horizontaly to each other and then start the new media title on the next line down. the only way i now how is to create a form and put image contorl in them and blah blah blah,but when i go to print it prints the whole form and i dont want that.also if i do it in a form it always seems not use the full a4 page. i would prefer not to use word processor as i want this to be a standalone program.
can u suggest anything.any help would be much appreiciated
james cuttance
can u suggest anything.any help would be much appreiciated
james cuttance