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Newbie Help - CrackMe Help

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May 14, 2001
Code I need help with is below.

I have always been interested in learning how to better protect my software.

I am studying ASM in order to better understand how reverse engineers (as they like to call themselves) break in to my code.

The learning curve is steep - but onward I march.

I have become quite proficient in "patching" my programs. Thus far, I am unable to "fool" myself by writing time sensative software that I cannot "patch". Disappointing, but true.

Now, however, I am attempting to see if I can actually create serial numbers from an algorithm within the program. And to better understand this, I am practicing with "crackmes" found on the web.

That being said, here is my problem - a very simple program

First, I patched this thing easily enough by NOP'ing a JMP. But I want to know how this thing generates a serial.

Like lots of people recommend, I used Olly.

Here are the steps I have taken, and what I have accomplished. Again, I am new at this - and I REALLY would appreciate your explanations.

I loaded the program in Olly and ran it. I entered TROPE and 12345 as the password.

Then I set a breakpoint. I chose to set it on USER32.GetDlgItemTextA

and Olly sends me here:

004010A5 . FF15 54204000 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&USER32.GetDlgItemTe>; \GetDlgItemTextA
004010AB . 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX
004010AD . 75 1C JNZ SHORT Snake.004010CB

I think I know what is going on here (PLZ TELL ME IF I AM WRONG WITH ANY OF THIS), the TEST EAX, EAX is seeing if we entered our name - if not, Jump to Error. Easy enough.

Then I continued stepping by pressing F8 to go over the call. After a few times I end up here:

00401103 > E8 A2010000 CALL Snake.004012AA
00401108 . 84C0 TEST AL,AL
0040110A . 75 1C JNZ SHORT Snake.00401128

The CALL at 00401103 appears to be related to checking something, so I went into it. And got this:

004012AA /$ 50 PUSH EAX
004012AB |. 56 PUSH ESI
004012AC |. BE 00174000 MOV ESI,Snake.00401700
004012B1 |> 8B06 /MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI]
004012B3 |. 8326 00 |AND DWORD PTR DS:[ESI],0
004012B6 |. 83C6 04 |ADD ESI,4
004012B9 |. 85C0 |TEST EAX,EAX
004012BB |.^75 F4 \JNZ SHORT Snake.004012B1
004012BD |. BE 001D4000 MOV ESI,Snake.00401D00 ; ASCII "12345"
004012C2 |> 8A06 /MOV AL,BYTE PTR DS:[ESI]
004012C4 |. 84C0 |TEST AL,AL
004012C6 |. 74 18 |JE SHORT Snake.004012E0
004012C8 |. 3C 30 |CMP AL,30
004012CA |. 72 0C |JB SHORT Snake.004012D8
004012CC |. 3C 3A |CMP AL,3A
004012CE |. 72 0D |JB SHORT Snake.004012DD
004012D0 |. 3C 41 |CMP AL,41
004012D2 |. 72 04 |JB SHORT Snake.004012D8
004012D4 |. 3C 47 |CMP AL,47
004012D6 |. 72 05 |JB SHORT Snake.004012DD
004012D8 |> 5E |POP ESI
004012D9 |. 58 |POP EAX
004012DA |. B0 00 |MOV AL,0
004012DC |. C3 |RETN
004012DD |> 46 |INC ESI
004012DE |.^EB E2 \JMP SHORT Snake.004012C2
004012E0 |> 5E POP ESI
004012E1 |. 58 POP EAX
004012E2 |. B0 01 MOV AL,1
004012E4 \. C3 RETN

And here is where I am lost. As I said, I am new to assembly but I think I am close on this one. It appears that the program is looping through each character and doing something with it. What I am not sure though.

These lines appear to be doing some checking of some sort:

004012C8 |. 3C 30 |CMP AL,30
004012CA |. 72 0C |JB SHORT Snake.004012D8
004012CC |. 3C 3A |CMP AL,3A
004012CE |. 72 0D |JB SHORT Snake.004012DD
004012D0 |. 3C 41 |CMP AL,41
004012D2 |. 72 04 |JB SHORT Snake.004012D8
004012D4 |. 3C 47 |CMP AL,47

If I am not mistaken:
30 = ASCII 0
3A = :
41 = A
47 = G

I have tried stepping through this slowly, but got nowhere.

Can anyone walk me through this? And again, I am an absolute beginner - but will look up anything in your answer I don't understand.

Thanks a million. I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting a response.

I have spent 2 days on this believe it or not. I have to sometimes look up each and every command I don't understand.

Best Regards,
J Tropeano
Programmer / Analyst

Ps. WAS I EVEN CLOSE? Probably not, but I am not quitting until I understand each and every line! :)
Not exactly sure what you are looking for for, but I know assembly code.

cmp al, 30 this compares a byte value in Al register to 30

jb short snake if its below then it jumps a short dist (less 128 bytes) to label snake at offset #.

if its not below it falls thru the routine without jumping to that label.

Hope this helps some.

The part you traced into is the part that will tell you "you can do better than that" or whatever it says... if you enter "0123456798ABCDEF" any of those characters :p
Trace beyond that... here's a tip:


this makes it easy to spot in memory, and will avoid the "you can do better" messagebox too. :)
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