using fp2000. I can add a hover button and a marquee to my page and both work fine. If I try and add a hit counter however then all I get is a small white box with a red cross and the text Hit Counter when in Preview or Broswer mode.
Is this anything to do with server extensions? Under Tools | Page Options | Compatability, Enabled with FP server extensions is on.
For the Browsers, Browser versions and Servers combo boxes are all set to Custom.
This web site is currently on my own pc and that's where I'd like it to stay until it's finished. I've read some stuff about using your computer as a server (particulary if a previous version of fp was installed - I'm not sure if fp98 was ever on this machine). I've checked under Tools | Web Settings | General and it says No server currently in use.
Is this is problem with the hit counter and if so how do I solve it!
using fp2000. I can add a hover button and a marquee to my page and both work fine. If I try and add a hit counter however then all I get is a small white box with a red cross and the text Hit Counter when in Preview or Broswer mode.
Is this anything to do with server extensions? Under Tools | Page Options | Compatability, Enabled with FP server extensions is on.
For the Browsers, Browser versions and Servers combo boxes are all set to Custom.
This web site is currently on my own pc and that's where I'd like it to stay until it's finished. I've read some stuff about using your computer as a server (particulary if a previous version of fp was installed - I'm not sure if fp98 was ever on this machine). I've checked under Tools | Web Settings | General and it says No server currently in use.
Is this is problem with the hit counter and if so how do I solve it!