I spent a couple of hours going over subnetting in detail, so I feel comfortable with the general premise of creating custom subnet masks and then referring to the subnets by their subnet IDs, but I still am confused about a couple of things.
Is it possible to take a class C address and apply a subnet mask that is less than 24 bits to it? Or can you only ADD bits to a subnet mask?
Also, I've seen a network with a private class A address ( subnetted with a class C default subnet mask. I was under the impression that you could only customize the subnet mask to the next octet in the mask. Can you go even further than that?
Hi, yup, you could take a Class C address and reduce the mask if you wish, known as Supernetting. and also you can summarize ( CIDR ) address ranges on routers to cover routes for ranges of Class C.
I.E /24 ( Class C ) = around 254 nodes /24 ( Class C ) = around 254 nodes
Supernet to /23 = around 512 nodes
Range to
OR /22 = around 1024 nodes
Range to
1) Yes, I have seen clients who, when they ran out of 192.168.1.x addreses, just widened their mask to allow 192.168.0.x to 192.168.7.x addresses
2) Yes, a great many 'large' organizations are 10.x.x.x worldwide, although each remote site may use a mask. The local router can send all other 10.x.x.x addresses to Corporate Headquarters and all other addresses to the Internet.
So a real estate agenty may be 10.199.237.x and all local devices are in the subnet, but an address like may be a mail server at the world headquarters. By using a mask it knows that the mail server is not local. The local router can have a default route of the internet and a route to the main router at corporate.
In this scenario, one usually has a VPN back to Corporate (and a firewall to the internet)
I tried to remain child-like, all I acheived was childish.
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