Hi, I am new to TCL. What I want to do is to get the contents of a text file, split it in pages and then display one page at a time on a text widget (with no scrollbar, just by clicking on a button).
When you define the text widget, you can specify how may lines to make it show: text .<path>.<widgetname> -height <number of lines>
Then, what I would do is read in the whole file and split it into a list of lines: set fid [open <filename> r]
set linelist [split [read $fid] \n]
close $fid
Now figure out how many pages you have: set numlines [llength $linelist]
set numpages [expr {ceil($numlines/<number of lines>)}]
now loop through the number of pages when the button is pushed: button .<path>.<button name> -text page -command {set pno [nxtpg pno]}
set pno 0
proc nxtpg {pno} {
global linelist <number of lines> numpages
if {$pno >= $numpages} {return $pno}
set ix1 [expr {1+$<number of lines>*$pno}]
set ix2 [expr {$ix1+$<number of lines>}]
for {set i $ix1} {$i<$ix2} {incr i} {
.<path>.<textwidgetname> insert end [lindex $linelist $i]\n
incr pno
return $pno
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