Technical User
IE 6.0 is really starting to make me mad by doing this. What happens is that if you click on a link, IE will periodically bring it the top of the desktop as it loads. So for example, if I'm browsing a page and there is a link I want to load but continue reading the first page while it loads, I will right click on the link and press load in a new window then click back to the old page (via the taskbar) and continue reading. But instead of staying behind the first window as it used to in IE 5, the new window wit the recentlyclicked link will come to the front once its connected to the server then it'll come to the front again once its done loading, then if it loads anything new after that, it'll come to the front again. If there any way to make it stay in the back until I manually bring it to the front? Its pretty annoying, especially considering it wasn't like that in IE5. Hopefully my ranting made some sense and someone will know where the setting is to change this because I can't find anything about it in the preferences or anywhere else. Thanks for your time, hopefully someone will know how to help.