I have a view as follows
create view as holderaccountbalance
select pp.lastname, pp.firstname, ca.balance, ca.creditlimit, ca.currency, tx.product,
cx.number, ce.value, max(tx.i013_trxn_date)
from caccounts ca, cardx cx, people pp, cextension ce, ctransactions tx
ca.serno=cx.caccserno and
ca.serno=tx.caccserno and
ca.serno=ce.rowserno and
ce.fieldno in (select fieldno from extensionfields where
category like 'Company Industry Cod%') and
group by
pp.lastname, pp.firstname, ca.balance, ca.creditlimit, cx.number, ce.value, ca.currency, tx.product
order by ce.value
I keep getting this error message: Need to specify view column names in the view definition. Any idea what this means.
Also, is there any graphical user interface that I can use(free GUI) to create views, SP etc for Informix. Your urgent help is great. Thanks
create view as holderaccountbalance
select pp.lastname, pp.firstname, ca.balance, ca.creditlimit, ca.currency, tx.product,
cx.number, ce.value, max(tx.i013_trxn_date)
from caccounts ca, cardx cx, people pp, cextension ce, ctransactions tx
ca.serno=cx.caccserno and
ca.serno=tx.caccserno and
ca.serno=ce.rowserno and
ce.fieldno in (select fieldno from extensionfields where
category like 'Company Industry Cod%') and
group by
pp.lastname, pp.firstname, ca.balance, ca.creditlimit, cx.number, ce.value, ca.currency, tx.product
order by ce.value
I keep getting this error message: Need to specify view column names in the view definition. Any idea what this means.
Also, is there any graphical user interface that I can use(free GUI) to create views, SP etc for Informix. Your urgent help is great. Thanks