I do not know if this is the right users group for me as I am not a "professional" software programmer or designer, but I am looking for a group to ask questions of ,and learn from,in regard to the use of PSP XI. I am a new user to Paint Shop pro in general - the first version I have ever used is XI. I chose it because it seems a lot more intuitive than the photoshop programs I tried out, and a lot less expensive. I even found photoshop elements difficult to use - I just don't "think" the same way Adobe's designers do. In any event, I am looking for some help in accomplishing a specific task. I use the background eraser tool to isolate an item in a picture. I want to then save that isolated item as a new picture. However, when I do, it also saves all the grey and white checkerboard areas that used to be the background. How do I save just the part I isolated?