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New to PM - Systems Analysis

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Jun 26, 2002

Hoping this is kinda the right forum for this thread! Just after some general advice on a new project I've been handed. It's my first big one of this sort so want to try and get it right from the get go.


Our company in the UK is currently taking over a smaller firm of a similar industry from Italy. As IT Aministrator I've been handed the project of planning and organising the migration of their IT systems into our business.

First on my list is specing up their current system and planning what changes we will need to make in preperation. As far as I know so far they have a basic network with some server systems (i.e. email on exchange box) and also some standalone PC's which may contain some databases. Some of these will be coming over the UK but some are leased and will not be returned.

I'm generally after some advice on what things I should spec up to make sure I don't miss anything. I should be visiting Italy within the next 2 weeks to have a look over their systems.

So far I am thinking of looking at...
Network Structure
PC Specs
Software Listings + Licensing Details
Details of all Data Stores and how to Organise Backups to be made

Does this all sound reasonable and is there anything I'm missing?

Hope this isn't too vauge or out of place. General tips are welcomed as I'm sure there are people here with much more experience than I with this sort of planning and PM!


Steve Gordon (MCP)
You also need to look at the basic desktop configuration that they have and that you have. Are they on Office 97 while you are on Office 2000?

What about other standard desktop applications?

Then its time to do the same thing with server configurations and applications.

Next, look briefly at security. Are they more lax on security than you? If they are stricter, should the more strict policy be used?

Next, the data integration. Do they have the same data elements for a customer that you do? How about field/column sizes? How about language translation for those customers (Italian to English)?

The trouble with doing something right the first time is that noboby appreciates how difficult it was.
- Steven Wright
Thanks John.

All good points. I should have thought of security, although to a degree its not a major prob. Not sure I made it clear in my original post but we are closing the factory in Italy and moving all CNC machines and systems to our offices and factory here in the UK. This basically means that in most cases we will be continuing with our current security policy etc. Although some consideration as to how that will affect their software etc is a good idea!


Steve Gordon (MCP)
Look for any custom written software they may have and be especially aware of any dependencies in it.

Look for such things as hard coded IP addresses, network paths, login ids and passwords in programs, scripts and batch files. (Of course we are all true professionals and never do this sort of thing, but you find it everywhere).
Investigate the impact on software client licenses. You may make savings, you may have to buy more.

Don't forget to consider how to integrate these new systems into your disaster recovery environment.

Think about the people side as well. If you are closing the Italian factory, will you still have people who can support the systems you are migrating? Are the Italian staff going to be helpful and productive if their jobs are about to go?

Hope this helps,
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