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new to linux, rh 5.0. how do i get in?? 1

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Jul 9, 2000
hi, im using a 100mhz, 32mbram ibm aptiva and i have just installed a free version of red hat linux 5.0. i have two problems, it installed ok but my computer refuses to boot from the hard disk and asks for a floppy isk (bios) i boot linux by the boot disk, how can i change this? secondly, when linux boots it asks for a "login" and password. i cannot get past this screen as anything i type i know i gave the install program a password when it asked for one but that doesnt work.
i have tryed numberous reinstalls, plz help!
Greg Case
First of all, why are you using 5.0? As for the booting, check you bios setting to see the order in which your machine is configured to boot.

For the prompt issue, when you get the lilo prompt when booting, type linux single. This will boot linux in single user mode, once at the prompt, type passwd and it will ask you for you new passwd. Then you can switch into run level 3 or 5 by running /sbin/init 3 or 5.

ok, i have sorted the boot issue, and loaded linux single, now i am asked for "bash#" what do i type here? plz remember, i am a novice with linux!
Now you type passwd, it will then ask you for your password, enter it and it will ask you to confirm, When you are back at the bash#, you can type /sbin/init 3 or 5 depending on what run level you what.

Run level 3 = multiuser mode, no X
Run level 5 = multiuser mode, with X(gui)


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i typed in my password and it didnt say anything, it just went straight back to bash#. so i typed in sbin/init 5 and it came up with local user login?? what do i do here?
i know this is really tedious but i would at leat like to get my linux running before i start to get stuck!
thanks a lot, im rating you dont worry, you guys are my life
Are you in a Gui? If so type in the username root or a username that you created. Whatever desktop(KDE, GNOME) you have should then start.

i was never asked 4 a username...it has never asked 4 1. i cant just type anything, it says invalid or suchlike...? help, i have an isa network adapter on the comp, is it trying 2 find a network? im not connected to any networks.
thanks for the help, its really fustrating because im excellent with nt based windows but when i ame 2 linux i feel like an absolute novice.
yahoo - just looking at your reply, I noticed that you said you typed 'password' and it did nothing. Try typing 'passwd' (ie without the 'or') as Tony suggested in his post - this may make all the difference.

thanks guys, i am now happily using rh and am in the process of downloading mandrake 7.1.

If you're going to download a distro get the latest. Mandrake is now at 8.1 or is that what you meant ?


First of all when you start Linux for the first time, you must acces the login screen with loginname: root and the password you gave the setup.

When you are in the root you must configure the computer by typing Xconfigurator (use shift for the X). The configurator asks you information about your video-card chipset and monitor. When you've finished it and you are back in the root you can make your own login-account by typing adduser loginname. And too give you a password type passwd loginname. When you've done this press CTRL+D. Now you can login with your own name. To start the GUI (graphical user interface)type in the root startx, and this is the beautifull linux in graphics!!!

For more mail: TimHalfwerk@Hotmail.com
hi, i m using RedHat 6.2 with 2.2.14 kernel and KDE1.x. I've used this GUI system for a few months without any login problem occurs. Only today, I've 1 problem... :

when the system successfully boot into system configuration, then normally it'll switch into run level 5, without any problem, afterwards, i can type login name and user password...
now, it fails to switch into run level 5, and the screen looks black out and blinking with a few green lines.... :(
the system is trying to switch into GUI again n again but fail...

I've checked the VGA, monitor, they r in good condition. And i didnt change any setting after the latest safely shuting down.

Is there anybody can help me?

Hi Lamco,

I've had similar problems on older PC's when dual-booting between OSes (not sure if you have that kind of configuration but anyway....).

What I found was that, if I shut down from one OS and cold booted the PC it was fine - if I tried to just warm boot (restart) and go into the other OS, I would get the same problem you describe. I believe my problem was to do with Plug and Play settings getting in the way from the previous OS - doing a cold boot cleared that out and allowed Linux to read things as they were not as windows thought they should be.

Try powering off and on and see if that helps.
Guys, if you need some reference materials, pls feel free to browse my collection at and make sure you grab the "Linux Complete Command Reference" which is about 7.5MB in the Linux section.

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