Technical User
I am using CR 7 with a SQL database. MY old program was Btreive and had separate fields for customer orders for the CITY, STATE, and ZIP. The new SQL program has combined the three into one field called {Addr Line 3}. I have a report that selects only certain states. How can I group these states? My selection criteria looks like this:
{OEHDRHST_SQL.ship_to_addr_3} like ["*** AK ***", "*** AL ***", "*** AR ***"]
If I need to explain a little more, let me know. I tried this formula but receive the message that I need a field name between the paren ( and {oe}. I have tried various field names and I then receive the error that I can not group on a condition. I am sure this whole formula is not what I am looking for anyway. Help!!!
groupname ({OEHDRHST_SQL.ship_to_addr_3} like ["*** AK ***", "*** AL ***", "*** AR ***"])
{OEHDRHST_SQL.ship_to_addr_3} like ["*** AK ***", "*** AL ***", "*** AR ***"]
If I need to explain a little more, let me know. I tried this formula but receive the message that I need a field name between the paren ( and {oe}. I have tried various field names and I then receive the error that I can not group on a condition. I am sure this whole formula is not what I am looking for anyway. Help!!!
groupname ({OEHDRHST_SQL.ship_to_addr_3} like ["*** AK ***", "*** AL ***", "*** AR ***"])