Just installed a new 8.1 SBCE on a VM platform. And I am very new to this product so bare with me. System Manager is on 8.1 but CM and Sessions are still on 7.1.3. Upgrading next year. One of the biggest items we were trying to do as we have so many remote users due to COVID is to change our 46xxsettings file to reflect the new IP's we are using. So we can reboot the phone and it grab the new IP then we can remove the old IP's. When we reboot one of the phones and apply the new group code for it to pick it up it never does. One of the things I noticed is that the buttons do not populate which from the traces show no PPM. I am working with our Network team to see if a firewall setting is off but in order to explain it to them I need to understand which sides need open for this to work. They have bi-directional on the A1 side but what else are we missing?
Thank you,
Thank you,