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New Router Setup Please Help 3

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Technical User
Feb 6, 2010
Hello Guys,

I am new to Cisco Routers and the small comany (very small comany) that I work for just decided to buy new networking equipment.

They have purchased the following:
1 Cisco router 1841
1 Cisco Catalyst 2950 Switch

we have 6 Pc's that we need up and running by Teu (in 2 days basicly) I've searched the internet of basic setup for those two items. All we need for right now that the Computers can go out to the internet and recive emails. I would think that this would be a basic setup. From the ISP I got the static IP, MASK, GATEWAY, and DNS Info.

Is there anything out there that will guide me through the steps of setting up the Router and switch. I know very litle about cisco equipment such as setting up passwords hostnames and getting to the certian int's on the router/switch.

Please if anyone has something out there it would be highly appriciated

Thank you in advance
Things you'll need right off the top:
1) What subnete do you want to use for your internal hosts (,, etc.)
2) Using the subnet that you've chosen above, choose a host address to give to the LAN interface of the router. People typically choose the first available host address (.1) or the last (.254)
2) What device will be acting as the DHCP server for the LAN or will you be statically assigning the hosts with addresses??
3) Think of a good enable secret password to use and write it down
4) Think of a good username and password to use for device authentication and write it down
5) Determine which fastethernet interface you will be using to connect to the LAN

what kind of connection is it a leased line (T1), cable, dsl??

get this information ready and post back so we can proceed.

I hate all Uppercase... I don't want my groups to seem angry at me all the time! =)
- ColdFlame (vbscript forum)

Id rether go with Static than DHCP, because it might be easier on me with Static

We do have 10MB Cable ISP Connection

From what the ISP told me the info is as follows:

Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

Is this how I should do it?

R# conf t
R (config)# hostname MyCompany
MyCompany (config)# enable secret Ohnlkwe123
MyCompany (config)# enable password ohnemuhe125
MyCompany (config)# line con 0
MyCompany (config-line)# password ohnemuhe122
MyCompany (config-line)# login
MyCompany (config-line)# line vty 0 4
MyCompany (config-line)# password ohnemuhe122
MyCompany (config-line)# login
MyCompany (config-line)# exit
MyCompany (config)# int fa0/0
MyCompany (config-if)# ip address
MyCompany (config-if)# ip nat outside
MyCompany (config-if)# ip nat pool no-overload prefix 24
MyCompany (config-if)# no shutdown
MyCompany (config-if)# end
MyCompany# show running-config
MyCompany# copy running-config startup-config
MyCompany# confirm startup-config
MyCompany# reload
MyCompany# type yes to save changes and hit enter, router should reoot and ask you for enable password

Does this seem right?

The switch will be connected to interface Fa0/1

What Ip address do I need to assign to that int fa0/1? How do I find out what the ip address is?
Another question is do I have to set the router rip command if so do I use version 2 and how do I find out what network I am on.

I understand that on the switch I have to set up each individual PC up with Ip address and mask that should not be a problem.

I really appriciate your help
I think your a little more misinformed then you know, as soon as i can get to my desk comp i will write a basic config up.
I'd post back more but I'm away from my pc on an iPhone now so I'll defer to ISPKing to finish this one up. ISPKing, the pressures on now brothah!!

I hate all Uppercase... I don't want my groups to seem angry at me all the time! =)
- ColdFlame (vbscript forum)
Im not the expert so I dont really know, but if you could help me that would be wonderfull.

Thank you again for your efforts
Right on Unclercio

Alright, So for the switch the only config you really want to do is add an ip address to Vlan1, that way you can manage it remotely, and also the command switchport host on all the ports connected to the computers.

Then for the basic config i am assuming you want to nat. Also is there a firewall in place?

So in this config int fa0/0 is the outside address and fa0/1 is the inside. I have also added a dhcp server config that you will have to substitue with your ip addresses.

R# conf t
R (config)# hostname MyCompany
MyCompany (config)# enable secret Ohnlkwe123
MyCompany (config)# enable password ohnemuhe125
MyCompany (config)# line con 0
MyCompany (config-line)# password ohnemuhe122
MyCompany (config-line)# login
MyCompany (config-line)# line vty 0 4
MyCompany (config-line)# password ohnemuhe122
MyCompany (config-line)# login
MyCompany (config-line)# exit
MyCompany (config)# int fa0/0
MyCompany (config-if)# ip address
MyCompany (config-if)# ip nat outside
MyCompany (config-if)# access-group 102 in
MyCompany (config)# int fa0/1
MyCompany (config-if)# ip address
MyCompany (config-if)# ip nat inside
MyCompany (config-if)# no shutdown
MyCompany (config)# access-list 101 permit ip any any
MyCompany (config)# access-list 102 permit tcp any any established
MyCompany (config)#ip dhcp exclude
MyCompany (config)#ip dhcp pool Company
domain-name Mycomany
MyCompany# (config) ip nat inside source list 101 interface fa0/0 overload

Sorry this is from my iphone so the formating may suck.

oops only one error i think, the mask in the pool is suppose to be not 252

Let us know if you need more help.

If there is no firewall we will have to run through auto secure and if you have the appropriate liscnese, cbac.
Thank you for all your help, and time!

I will apply those steps first thing in the morning. There is no Firewall in this topology. On switch VLAN1 can I assign any ip address to it? ( or does it have to be an address that is being generated from the router?

One more question that I have you said that you have added dhcp config to the configuration, and that I have to replace it with my IP address. Which IP address should I replece it with? With the one that my ISP provided me or some other IP?

And I was always cerious what will my Routers IP address be? So I could telnet from home.

BTW your config looks good from the iphone it looks like it's copeied from the router. Thank you again you have saved my butt.

THanks Again
One more thing I forgot to ask would it be a good thing to include the command

no ip domain-lookup

Hello I am now trying to set that up but I'm getting stuck half way I get this error message

--- System Configuration Dialog ---

Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: no

Press RETURN to get started!

Router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)#hostname MyCompany
MyCompany(config)#enable secret onmlk121
MyCompany(config)#enable password onmlk123
MyCompany(config)#no ip domain-lookup
MyCompany(config)#line con 0
MyCompany(config-line)#password onmlk123
MyCompany(config-line)#exec-timeout 5 30
MyCompany(config-line)#line vty 0 4
MyCompany(config-line)#password onmlk123
MyCompany(config-line)#exec-timeout 3 30
MyCompany(config)#int fa0/0
MyCompany(config-if)#ip address
MyCompany(config-if)#description This is the outside address
MyCompany(config-if)#ip nat outside
MyCompany(config-if)#access-group 102 in
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

You want to give it an ip in the range of your private network, i carved out 4 other ip addresses in the dhcp config that will not be assigned. The router will be .1 of whichever internal subent you use i.e 192.168.x.x and on the dhcp replace it with that same internal network, and your isp address will be assigned to int fa0/0 and that will be the ip you can telnet to from home.

no ip domian-lookup is useful if you in the router alot and have fat fingers, that way when you mis type a command it does not try to resolve it as an address and waste time.
It's saying that access-group 102 in is invalid input and that '^'marker is located on the first (c)of access-group
Thanks for the info in previous post, I really appriciate it.
Sorry one more question how about the dns-server that you wrote


this is where I put my own DNS server in right?


tim@tim-laptop ~ $ sudo apt-get install windows
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package windows...Thank Goodness!
Thanks guys This works great now...

How hard would it be to add a wireless AP or wireless Router to this coinfiguration? Is there any documentation out for this type of config?

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