An application has been running fairly satisfactorily on several workstations for some years, but after a change in the file server, it seems that new records in a table are not always visible to other forms in the same application unless the user closes the application and starts it again.
For example, there is a customer table, XCUST.dbf, and a form in the application which allows new customer records to be created.
A new customer is created in that form (which the user chooses to leave open on his screen). Then another form ‘Sales Order Entry’ is activated – with its own data session. The customer is identified, using the primary key (it would report an error if an invalid customer were asked for). However the details from the customer record (name and address &c) are not shown correctly: instead, the fields are being taken from the first record on file. It is as if the record pointer in the table XCUST has not moved.
The XCUST table also remains open in another data session : there is an object which provides common services (to several forms in the application) which keeps that table open.
The problem does not happen if the application is being run from the server - which is the only way that I can log in remotely at present. And it goes away (for the user who has noticed the problem) if he closes the accounting application and starts again. I also think it goes away if the user closes the ‘Customer maintenance’ form, but have not yet been able to test that myself.
Have any other people come across a problem like this? I would be grateful for helpful guidance.
Thanks. Andrew Mozley
For example, there is a customer table, XCUST.dbf, and a form in the application which allows new customer records to be created.
A new customer is created in that form (which the user chooses to leave open on his screen). Then another form ‘Sales Order Entry’ is activated – with its own data session. The customer is identified, using the primary key (it would report an error if an invalid customer were asked for). However the details from the customer record (name and address &c) are not shown correctly: instead, the fields are being taken from the first record on file. It is as if the record pointer in the table XCUST has not moved.
The XCUST table also remains open in another data session : there is an object which provides common services (to several forms in the application) which keeps that table open.
The problem does not happen if the application is being run from the server - which is the only way that I can log in remotely at present. And it goes away (for the user who has noticed the problem) if he closes the accounting application and starts again. I also think it goes away if the user closes the ‘Customer maintenance’ form, but have not yet been able to test that myself.
Have any other people come across a problem like this? I would be grateful for helpful guidance.
Thanks. Andrew Mozley