I've not been around for a while, but here's a new issue.
I've been told that netscape 20.3 (or whatever it's up to) doesn't play back flash movies. Is this true? I've had people view my latest stuff (made with flash 5) on macs and pcs and all is fine using either browser. Except for Netscape X. What's the story with this? I heard the new version sucked, but this would be extreme. Anyhow, the site in question is:
Any comments would be appreciated. I don't want to build a non-flash site, so a work-around to this would be great.
I've been told that netscape 20.3 (or whatever it's up to) doesn't play back flash movies. Is this true? I've had people view my latest stuff (made with flash 5) on macs and pcs and all is fine using either browser. Except for Netscape X. What's the story with this? I heard the new version sucked, but this would be extreme. Anyhow, the site in question is:
Any comments would be appreciated. I don't want to build a non-flash site, so a work-around to this would be great.