There is something new out there that has me stumped at the moment. On my home pc, Internet Explorer likes to fire up on its own, and it goes to a website called which redirects me to a porographic site called I have Norton Antivirus with current updates, and it finds nothing. I have AdAware SE professional, and it finds nothing. I have performed a couple of other online scans as well as Microsoft's new spyware scan. Still nothing. Also, ZoneAlarm alerts me on startup that explorer.exe is trying to act as a server. Also, Ad-Aware tells me that about several attempts to change my registry, which involves making this my new home page. It also tries to add a registry entry to run a file at startup called mszx23.exe located in my windows/system32 directory. I have deleted that file when I booted in safe mode, but it keeps re-creating itself.
I have also studied hijackthis logs, and nothing. All processes look legit. I searched and found a few other forums where others were having this same problem. Noone has a solution yet. Let me know if anyone else has this problem, and/or if they have found a solution for it yet. Thanks.
I have also studied hijackthis logs, and nothing. All processes look legit. I searched and found a few other forums where others were having this same problem. Noone has a solution yet. Let me know if anyone else has this problem, and/or if they have found a solution for it yet. Thanks.