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New Lines in email text

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Technical User
Dec 31, 2004
Hello All,
I'm currently using a php based cart that autoreplys to the admin when an order is processed - it uses this to send the message
$lang['mail_txt'] =   'You have received a new order. --  Login to the Administration Panel for details. Click here -- [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.theurl.com/cart/admin.php';[/URL]

Is there a way to get the text in the email to format like this:

You have received a new order
Login to the Administration Panel for details
Click here -- ------------------------------

tried (/n) - (\r) - <br /> that looks bad! and used a lot of spaces, but if the browser window is resized then the formatting goes blah!

any ideas
yep, in ALL types of combinations and configurations.. also tried this too; \r\n -- /r/n but nada

if you are sending the mail as html, then you need to insert tags like <br/> or <p> etc. or use "\r\n" and running the mail body throug nl2br() before submitting to the smtp server.
no the email is not going out with any html tags - here is the php file - the part that starts with $lang['mail_txt'] is towards the end..... this is what gets sent, this is where I would like to add a few lines to the email text -- any ideas?
* English - compatible v1.2
$config['charset'] =      'iso-8859-1';

* Messages
$lang['category_not_found'] =          'Category not found';

$lang['cf_no_word'] =                  'Please fill in all required fields';
$lang['cf_mail'] =                     'Enter e-mail address';
$lang['cf_wrong_value'] =              'Enter correct value';
$lang['cf_to_small_value'] =           'Value is too small';
$lang['cf_txt_to_short'] =             'Text is too short';

$lang['operation_saved'] =                          'Data save completed';
$lang['operation_changed'] =                        'Data update completed';
$lang['operation_sure_delete'] =                    'Do you really want to do this?';
$lang['operation_yes'] =                            'Yes';
$lang['operation_no'] =                             'No';
$lang['operation_deleted'] =                        'Data delete completed';
$lang['operation_completed'] =                      'Operation was successful';
$lang['operation_not_completed'] =                  'Operation was NOT successful';
$lang['operation_especify_all_required_fields'] =   'Please fill in all required fields';
$lang['operation_not_found'] =                      'Data not found';
$lang['operation_go_back'] =                        'go back';

$lang['Order_finished'] = 'Your order has been accepted<br />A receipt has been sent to you.<br />Click The link above to complete your order.';
$lang['Order_print']    = 'Print your order!';

$lang['Logged_in'] =            'Logged in correctly';
$lang['Error_login_or_pass'] =  'Wrong login or password!';
$lang['Logged_out'] =           'Logged out correctly';

$lang['products_not_found'] = 'Products not found';
$lang['Choose_courier'] =     'Choose courier';
$lang['Not_found'] =          'Not found';
$lang['basket_is_empty'] =    'Your cart is empty';

$lang['write_topic'] =      'Enter topic';
$lang['Error_email_send'] = 'Mail sending error';
$lang['Email_send'] =       'E-mail has been sent. Thank You';
$lang['Answer_soon'] =      'We\'ll get back to you soon';

$lang['Fill_login'] =                 'Enter login';
$lang['Fill_password'] =              'Enter password';
$lang['Fill_product_list'] =          'Enter products list limit on per page';
$lang['Fill_admin_list'] =            'Enter admin list limit on per page';
$lang['Fill_products_photo_size'] =   'Enter product photo size';
$lang['Fill_categories_photo_size'] = 'Enter category photo size';

* Name of fields in forms
$lang['Category'] =       'Category';
$lang['Order'] =          'Order';
$lang['Name'] =           'Name';
$lang['Price'] =          'Price';
$lang['Quantity'] =       'Quantity';
$lang['Summary'] =        'Total';
$lang['Summary_basket'] = 'Subtotal';
$lang['First_name'] =     'First Name';
$lang['Last_name'] =      'Last Name';
$lang['Company'] =        'Company';
$lang['Street'] =         'Street';
$lang['Zip_code'] =       'Zip Code';
$lang['City'] =           'City';
$lang['Telephone'] =      'Telephone';
$lang['Email'] =          'Email';
$lang['Courier'] =        'Courier';
$lang['Login'] =          'Login';
$lang['Password'] =       'Password';
$lang['File'] =           'File';
$lang['Files'] =          'Files';
$lang['Add_file'] =       'Add File';
$lang['Added_files'] =    'Files added to product';
$lang['First_last_name'] ='First and Last Name';
$lang['Date'] =           'Date';
$lang['Title'] =          'Title';
$lang['Image_size'] =     'Image Size';
$lang['Description'] =    'Description';
$lang['Delivery_cost'] =  'Delivery Cost';
$lang['Summary_cost'] =   'Total';
$lang['Language'] =       'Language';
$lang['Ip'] =             'IP';
$lang['Visible'] =        'Visible';
$lang['Position'] =       'Position';
$lang['Status'] =         'Status';
$lang['Start_page'] =     'Start Page';
$lang['Currency_symbol'] ='Currency Symbol';
$lang['Mail_informing'] = 'E-mail new orders to Admin';
$lang['Comment_order'] =  'Comment on Order';
$lang['ParentCategory'] = 'Parent category'; 
$lang['content'] = 'content';

$lang['Products_on_page'] =   'Products per Page';
$lang['Admin_items_on_page'] ='Products/orders per Page in Administration';
$lang['Keywords'] =           'Keywords';

$lang['Products_image_size'] =    'Product Image Size';
$lang['Categories_image_size'] =  'Category Image Size';
$lang['Content_image_size'] =     'Content Image Size';

$lang['Short_description'] =  'Short Description';
$lang['Full_description'] =   'Full Description';

$lang['Your_email'] =   'Your E-mail';
$lang['Topic'] =        'Topic';
$lang['Content_mail'] = 'Content';
$lang['send'] =         'Order';

$lang['Logo']     = 'Logo';
$lang['Template'] = 'Template';

$lang['Type'] = 'Type';

$lang['Contact_page'] = 'Contact Page';

* Actions
$lang['All'] =            'All';
$lang['choose'] =         'Choose';
$lang['Delete'] =         'Delete';
$lang['Next'] =           'Buy Item';
$lang['Calc'] =           'Update';
$lang['Add_to_basket'] =  'Add to basket';
$lang['back'] =           'back';
$lang['log_in'] =         'sign in';
$lang['logout'] =         'log out';
$lang['delete'] =         'delete';
$lang['save'] =           'save';
$lang['go_back'] =        'go back';
$lang['edit'] =           'edit';
$lang['Add_product'] =    'Add product';
$lang['Add_category'] =   'Add category';
$lang['Add_courier'] =    'Add courier';
$lang['more'] =           'more';
$lang['Search'] =         'Search';
$lang['print'] =          'print';
$lang['Buy_now'] =        'Buy now!';

* Menu, name of pages
$lang['basket'] =         'basket';
$lang['products'] =       'products';
$lang['Homepage'] =       'Homepage';
$lang['homepage'] =       'homepage';
$lang['Categories'] =     'Categories';
$lang['categories'] =     'categories';
$lang['couriers'] =       'couriers';
$lang['orders'] =         'orders';
$lang['configuration'] =  'configuration';
$lang['tools'] =          'tools';
$lang['Validate'] =       'Validate';

$lang['Category_data'] =  'Category data';
$lang['Category_list'] =  'Category list';

$lang['Courier_data'] =   'Courier data';
$lang['Courier_list'] =   'Courier list';

$lang['Orders_list'] =    'Order list';
$lang['Order_id'] =       'Order id';

$lang['Config_page'] =    'Configuration';
$lang['Page_data'] =      'Page data';

$lang['Product_data'] =   'Products data';
$lang['Products_list'] =  'Products list';

* Other
$lang['delivery_addres'] ='Delivery address';
$lang['Pages'] =          'Pages';

$lang['Log_in_administration'] ='Login administration';
$lang['version'] =              'version';
$lang['administration'] =       'administration';

$lang['Pending'] =      'Pending';
$lang['Processing'] =   'Processing';
$lang['Finished'] =     'Finished';
$lang['Canceled'] =     'Canceled';

$lang['Pendings'] =     'Pendings';

$lang['big'] =          'big';
$lang['small'] =        'small';
$lang['noSubcategory']= 'Main category';

$lang['mail_title'] = 'New Order';
$lang['mail_txt'] =   'You have received an online order. --  Login to the Administration Panel for details. Click here -- [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.theurl.com/cart/admin.php';[/URL]
* HtmlEditor messages 
$lang['Enter_text_to_be_formatted'] = "Enter text to be formatted";
$lang['Enter_list_type'] =            "Type '1' for numeric list, type 'a' for alphanumeric list, or leave empty for point list";
$lang['Enter_list_item'] =            'Type list elements.\nLeave empty or click \'Cancel\' to close list:';
$lang['Enter_link_url'] =             'Type URL address for link:';
$lang['Enter_email_link'] =           'Type email address for link:';
$lang['Bold'] =           'Bold';
$lang['Italic'] =         'Italic';
$lang['Underline'] =      'Underline';
$lang['Align_left'] =     'Align Left';
$lang['Align_center'] =   'Align Center';
$lang['Align_right'] =    'Align Right';
$lang['Add_li'] =         'Add List';
$lang['Add_hyperlink'] =  'Add Hyperlink';
$lang['Add_email_link'] = 'Add Email Link';
$lang['New_line'] =       'New Line';
$lang['Close_all'] =      'Close All Tags';
$lang['Size_plus'] =      'Enlarge Size';
$lang['Size_minus'] =     'Reduce Size';

* Validator messages
$lang['msg_more_info'] =              'More info';
$lang['msg_php_version'] =            'PHP version';
$lang['msg_php_version_info'] =       'Your PHP version is too old. You need at least PHP version 4.3.3 on your server';
$lang['msg_files_permission'] =       'Files permission';
$lang['msg_files_permission_info'] =  'You need to set every file in the "db/" directory to chmod 0777';
$lang['msg_config_permission'] =      'Confguration file permission';
$lang['msg_config_permission_info'] = 'If you want to change your config settings, you need to set chmod 0777 for the "config/general.php" file';
$lang['msg_login'] =                  'Login and password';
$lang['msg_login_info'] =             'Now you have to change your password; go to "configuration" in the Administration zone';
$lang['msg_gd2'] =                    'GD2.0 library';
$lang['msg_gd2_info'] =               'For correct thumbnails generation you need the gd2.0 library. Contact your Administrator to enable it';
$lang['msg_dirs_permission'] =        'Directories permission';
$lang['msg_dirs_permission_info'] =   'You need to set every subdirectory in the "files/" directory to chmod 0777';

* Dont change below 
define( 'LANG_YES_SHORT', $lang['operation_yes'] );
define( 'LANG_NO_SHORT', $lang['operation_no'] );

Maybe I'm wrong, but you may have to edit something in the real PHP code instead of just the config file.
i still think you're trying to send it as html.

where is the actual code that sends the email?
I'm a little puzzled about the inconsistent use of \" and ".

That probably has nothing to do with the actual problem tho.
Looks like this is where it all happens - my guess is the js code match() that stips the html and the line breaks etc is what does it -- is there a possible workaround? -- without killing the function of this. Its part of the return details function of the shopping cart.

require_once DIR_PLUGINS.'htmlMailOrderDetails/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';

  class qcMailer extends PHPMailer{
    var $bSendToAdmin = false;
    var $bSendToClient = false;
    var $bResendToAdmin = false; // temporary override
    var $bResendToClient = false; // temporary override
    var $sShopFolder; // with trailing slash
    var $sTemplate;
    var $sSubjectAdmin;
    var $sSubjectClient;
    var $sMailBody;
    var $sMailAltBody;
    var $sAdministrator;
    var $sTo;
    var $sToName;
    var $iInterceptID;
    var $bAdmin = false; // running from Admin?
    var $bEchoErrors = false;
    var $bShowAndStop = false;
    var $bHtmlAdmin = false;
    var $bTextAdmin = false;
    var $bHtmlClient = false;
    var $bTextClient = false;

    /* Constructor
    * @return object qcMailer
    function qcMailer(){
      global $config, $lang;
      $this->bAdmin = (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'admin.php');
      $this->sShopFolder = dirname( ( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']!='') ? 'https' : 'http' ) . "://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" ) . '/';
      $this->bSendToAdmin = (isset($config['hmod']['sendAdmin']) && $config['hmod']['sendAdmin'] === true);
      $this->bSendToClient = (isset($config['hmod']['sendClient']) && $config['hmod']['sendClient'] === true);
      // make sure the subjects have no new lines or carriage returns ...
      $this->sSubjectClient = preg_replace(array("/[\n\r]/"), array(" "), $lang['hmodSubjectClient']);
      $this->sSubjectAdmin = preg_replace(array("/[\n\r]/"), array(" "), $lang['hmodSubjectAdmin']);
      $this->sMailBody = $this->sMailAltBody = '';
      $this->sTemplate = 'htmlMailOrderDetails.tpl';
      $this->sTo = '';
      $this->sAdministrator = $config['hmod']['adminName'];
      $this->iInterceptID = null;
      $this->bResendToAdmin = $this->bResendToClient = false;
      $this->bEchoErrors = (isset($config['hmod']['reportErrors']) && $config['hmod']['reportErrors'] === true) ? true : false;
      $this->bShowAndStop = (isset($config['hmod']['showAndStop']) && $config['hmod']['showAndStop'] === true) ? true : false;

      if (!isset($config['shop_root'])) $config['shop_root'] = $this->sShopFolder;

      $this->CharSet = $config['charset'];
        case 'sendmail':
          $this->IsSendmail(); if($config['hmod']['sendmailPath']!='') $this->Sendmail = $config['hmod']['sendmailPath']; break;
        case 'qmail':
          $this->IsQmail(); if($config['hmod']['qmailPath']!='') $this->Sendmail = $config['hmod']['qmailPath']; break;
        case 'smtp':
          $this->Host = $config['hmod']['smtpHosts'];
          if($config['hmod']['smtpPort'] > 0) $this->Port = $config['hmod']['smtpPort'];
          $this->SMTPAuth = $config['hmod']['smtpAuth'];
          if($this->SMTPAuth){ $this->Username = $config['hmod']['smtpUser']; $this->Password = $config['hmod']['smtpPword']; }
        case 'mail':
      $this->bHtmlAdmin = in_array($config['hmod']['formatAdmin'], array('html','both'));
      $this->bTextAdmin = in_array($config['hmod']['formatAdmin'], array('text','both'));
      $this->bHtmlClient = in_array($config['hmod']['formatClient'], array('html','both'));
      $this->bTextClient = in_array($config['hmod']['formatClient'], array('text','both'));
      // if config says we can send neither HTML nor Text then we can't send anything! ...
      if(!$this->bHtmlAdmin && !$this->bTextAdmin){ $this->bSendToAdmin = false; }
      if(!$this->bHtmlClient && !$this->bTextClient){ $this->bSendToClient = false; }
      $this->WordWrap = 70;
      $this->From = EMAIL;
      $this->FromName = $GLOBALS['config']['title'];
    } // end function qcMailer

    /* Gets the template
    * @return string
    function getTemplate(){
      return $this->sTemplate;
    } // end function getTemplate

    /* Returns false if the intercept has not YET been set (at all)
    * @return boolean
    function isSetIntercept(){
      return is_null($this->iInterceptID) ? false : true;

    /* Gets the current intercept for access via $tpl; returns false if not yet set
    * @return integer
    function getInterceptID(){
      return is_null($this->iInterceptID) ? false : $this->iInterceptID;

    /* Gets the shop URL
    * @return string
    function getShopURL(){
      return $this->sShopFolder;

    /* Sets the email address of the client
    * @param integer order number
    * @return void
    function setSendTo($sTo = '', $sToName = '') {
      $this->sTo = $sTo;
      $this->sToName = $sToName;
    } // end function setSendTo

    /* Sets the body of the order
    * @param integer order number
    * @return void
    function setMailBody($sContent = '') {
      $this->sMailBody = $sContent;
    } // end function setMailBody

    /* Sets the current intercept
    * @param integer
    * @return void
    function setInterceptID($intercept){
      $this->iInterceptID = $intercept;

    /* Sets error reporting flag
    * @param boolean reportErrors
    function setErrorReporting($reportErrors=true){
      $this->bEchoErrors = is_bool($reportErrors) ? $reportErrors : false;

    /* Send Email
    * @return void
    function Send(){
      if(($this->bSendToClient || $this->bResendToClient || $this->bSendToAdmin || $this->bResendToAdmin) && $this->sMailBody != ''){
        if($this->bTextAdmin || $this->bTextClient){ $this->_formatAsText(); } // we need a text-only version
          if($this->bHtmlAdmin || $this->bHtmlClient){ echo $this->sMailBody; }
          if($this->bTextAdmin || $this->bTextClient){ echo $this->sMailAltBody; }
      // Only send to client/customer if there is something to send and somewhere to send it to ...
      if(($this->bSendToClient || $this->bResendToClient) && $this->sMailBody != '' && $this->sTo != ''){
        $this->Body = $this->bHtmlClient ? $this->sMailBody : $this->sMailAltBody;
        $this->AltBody = ($this->bHtmlClient && $this->bTextClient) ? $this->sMailAltBody : '';
        $this->Subject = $this->sSubjectClient;
        $this->AddAddress($this->sTo, $this->sToName);
          if($this->bEchoErrors){ echo $this->ErrorInfo; }
      // Only send to admin if there is something to send ...
      if(($this->bSendToAdmin || $this->bResendToAdmin) && $this->sMailBody != ''){
        $this->Body = $this->bHtmlAdmin ? $this->sMailBody : $this->sMailAltBody;
        $this->AltBody = ($this->bHtmlAdmin && $this->bTextAdmin) ? $this->sMailAltBody : '';
        $this->Subject = $this->sSubjectAdmin;
        $this->AddAddress(EMAIL, $this->sAdministrator);
          if($this->bEchoErrors){ echo $this->ErrorInfo; }
      $this->setMailBody(); $this->setSendTo(); $this->sMailAltBody = ''; // make sure we can't send previous data
    } // end function Send

    /* (Re)sends emails
    * @param integer order number
    * @param boolean toClient
    * @param boolean toAdmin
    * @return void
    function reSend($order, $toClient=null, $toAdmin=null){
      $this->bResendToAdmin = is_null($toAdmin) ? $this->bSendToAdmin : (is_bool($toAdmin) ? $toAdmin : false);
      $this->bResendToClient = is_null($toClient) ? $this->bSendToClient : (is_bool($toClient) ? $toClient : false);
      // if neither HTML nor Text formats are enabled, can't send ...
      if(!$this->bHtmlAdmin && !$this->bTextAdmin){ $this->bResendToAdmin = false; }
      if(!$this->bHtmlClient && !$this->bTextClient){ $this->bResendToClient = false; }
      // are we resending to someone? ...
      if($this->bResendToAdmin || $this->bResendToClient){
/* Not available yet!
        $this->bResendToAdmin = $this->bResendToClient = false;
    } // end function reSend
    /* Format an HTML page as text-only
    function _formatAsText(){
      // chop everything above BODY tag ...
      $this->sMailAltBody = (($pos = strpos(strtolower($this->sMailBody),'<body')) !== false) ? substr($this->sMailBody, $pos) : $this->sMailBody;
      // Strip out javascript ...
      $this->sMailAltBody = preg_replace('@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si', '', $this->sMailAltBody);
      // convert TRs to one line, ie. containing no newlines or carriage returns ...
      $this->sMailAltBody = preg_replace_callback( '@<tr.*\/tr@isU'
                                                 , create_function( '$match'
                                                                  , 'return preg_replace("/[\r\n]/", "", $match[0]);'
                                                 , $this->sMailAltBody
      $search = array( '@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si'          // Strip out HTML tags
                     , '@([\r\n])[\s]+@'                // Strip out white space
                     , '@&(quot|#34);@i'                // Replace HTML entities ...
                     , '@&(amp|#38);@i'
                     , '@&(lt|#60);@i'
                     , '@&(gt|#62);@i'
                     , '@&(nbsp|#160);@i'
                     , '@&#36;@i'
                     , '@&(iexcl|#161);@i'
                     , '@&(cent|#162);@i'
                     , '@&(pound|#163);@i'
                     , '@&(copy|#169);@i'
      $replace = array( ''
                      , '\1'
                      , '"'
                      , '&'
                      , '<'
                      , '>'
                      , ' '
                      , '$'
                      , chr(161)
                      , chr(162)
                      , chr(163)
                      , chr(169)
      $this->sMailAltBody = preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->sMailAltBody);
      // clear multiple spaces, except where contained within a set of double quotes ...
      $this->sMailAltBody = preg_replace_callback( '@([^"]*)("[^"]*")?@'
                                                 , create_function( '$match'
                                                                  , 'return preg_replace("/[ ]{2,}/", " ", $match[1]).(isset($match[2])?$match[2]:"");'
                                                 , $this->sMailAltBody
    } // end function _formatAsText

  } // end class qcMailer
This is how I do it in my mail functions...
$Body = "Title: ".$Title." \n";
		$Body .= "Name: ".$Name;
		$Body .= " ".$LastName." \n";
		$Body .= "Email: ".$Email." \n";
		$Body .= "Address: ".$Address." \n";
		$Body .= "City: ".$City." \n";
		$Body .= "State: ".$State." \n";
		$Body .= "Country: ".$Country." \n";
		$Body .= "Zip: ".$Zip." \n";
		$Body .= "Phone: ".$Phone." \n";
		$Body .= "Best Time To Call: ".$TTC." \n";
		$Body .= "Alt Phone: ".$AltPhone." \n";
		$Body .= "Email: ".$Email ."\n";
		$Body .= "Category: ".$Category ."\n";
		$Body .= "Capital To Invest: ".$LiqCapChk ."\n";
Oh yea I get that, I use a similar thing in my other forms too, with a little more additions such as /n------------------/n -- This note is from • .$Name; .$LastName./n -- of; .$Address. etc, etc

however, with this particular canned php cart the functions are coded by the developer (and they dont seem to respond well to questions - its a good cart too) the only option I have is to somehow rework this ---- eee!
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