After spending time with Perl I thought I'd checkout asp and boy did I run into an interesting system problem. I suspect I've done something real wrong that's rather basic and fundamental.<br><br>I've spent several hours trying to figure this one out.....I know I'm at the point where I need to 'ask for directions'.<br><br>I recently took a fresh workstation, loaded Windows NT Server 4.0. Then loaded SPS-3. Then loaded Option Pack 4.<br><br>I then created a html page called "linkpage" which links to a webpage called "welcome.asp". The code for "welcome.asp" is listed below (...and is also, I confess, on page 5 of the book called "Active Server Pages for Dummies". <br><br>Here is the code for "welcome.asp":<br><br><html><br><head><br><title>Hello and welcome</title><br></head><br><body><br><center><br><% Dim ftsize, ftcolor %><br><% For ftsize = 1 To 7 %><br><font size = <%=ftsize%>><br>Hello and Welcome!<br><br><% Next %><br></center><br><h3>It is <% =WeekdayName(Weekday(Date)) %>, <% = Date %>.<br>The time is now <% = Time %>, <p><br></h3><br></body><br></html><br><br>I'm supposed to get a series of seven lines of text that each say "Hellow and Welcome"...each line repeated but with a larger font size. The page is also supposed to give the day, date, and time.<br><br>The 'asp' aspects of the file "welcome.asp" don't seem to want to execute. Here is what I do get?<br><br><br>"<br>> Hello and Welcome!<br><br> It is , . The time is now , "<br><br><br>I've checked that I've written the code correctly as documented in the book. I loaded the code in the c:\InetPub\ folder. I accessed the file by going into the "linkpage.html" file and then linked to "welcome.asp". I've confirmed that the "World Wide Web Publishing Service" is started by checking the list of services that are running on the server from the control panel.<br><br>I checked the event viewer and there were no entries on either the application, security, or system logs.<br><br>I suspect that the asp code is fine but that something else is wrong with my server.??!!??<br><br>Any ideas?<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Jerry<br>