We recently purchased an HP Color LaserJet 5500 to replace our B&W 5000. It's hooked up to our LAN and served from our file server.
When printing any document from AutoCAD 2004, there are scaling problems along one direction of the page. It's pretty noticeable - around 1/4" off over an 11x17 piece of paper. Being that we're an architecture firm, this wreaks havoc on us when we need correctly-scaled printouts.
I realize that SOME discrepancies are allowed for, but we never saw anything close to this with our old 5000. Any tips/suggestions before I place an irate phone call to HP?
When printing any document from AutoCAD 2004, there are scaling problems along one direction of the page. It's pretty noticeable - around 1/4" off over an 11x17 piece of paper. Being that we're an architecture firm, this wreaks havoc on us when we need correctly-scaled printouts.
I realize that SOME discrepancies are allowed for, but we never saw anything close to this with our old 5000. Any tips/suggestions before I place an irate phone call to HP?