I am currently working with an application the uses User Defined Type. We are breaking our app. out into DLL's. You cannot pass user defined type so I need to create collections. Can you have a collection within a collection?
For instance I have collection called UpDtRec it has Database Name, Table Name, ListCount, as fields. I also have a field that is called FldName. I can have multiple FldName entries, so I want to define FldName as it's own collection within UPDtRec. Does that make since? Thanks.
For instance I have collection called UpDtRec it has Database Name, Table Name, ListCount, as fields. I also have a field that is called FldName. I can have multiple FldName entries, so I want to define FldName as it's own collection within UPDtRec. Does that make since? Thanks.