I just wrote a new FAQ on PHP hosting. I have seen this question asked too many times to count and quite honestly, it is very annoying. Too many people come to this forum and ask the same question without even searching through the forum for a question like it.
So go check out the FAQ called Where can I go to find PHP/mySQL hosting?
Tell me what you think, hopefully this will answer questions to come, but I only fear not.
-Vic vic cherubini
Knows: Perl, HTML, JavScript, C/C++, PHP, Flash, Director
I just wrote a new FAQ on PHP hosting. I have seen this question asked too many times to count and quite honestly, it is very annoying. Too many people come to this forum and ask the same question without even searching through the forum for a question like it.
So go check out the FAQ called Where can I go to find PHP/mySQL hosting?
Tell me what you think, hopefully this will answer questions to come, but I only fear not.
-Vic vic cherubini
Knows: Perl, HTML, JavScript, C/C++, PHP, Flash, Director