To reduce confusion over backup speeds I wrote faq776-3984 to help clarrify what you should be seeing in terms of backup speeds - Let me know if this helps ...
Good FAQ. However, it just opened more questions for this novice. How do you figure what speed you are actually getting? The GUI tells you elapsed time but that time includes waiting for a drive(s) to become available. Is there a log that tells the actual time spent writing and reading or are you doing dedicated backup runs to check throughput? I am doing both multiplexing and multistreaming and don't understand how to calculate my speed. Thanks for the help.
I do not recall where I got this or who wrote it so I cannot give due credit to a really good script ... Here is what I use:
# Script to report average throughput for the previous nights backups.
# Creation Date: July 17th, 2003
# Modification Date: July 17th, 2003
# Set up variables
MASTER=<your Master server>
BPDIR=<your Install dir>/netbackup/bin/admincmd
AWKPROG=<location for results>/awk.prog
STATS=<location for results>/nb.stats
OUTPUT=<location for results>/Global_Drive_Thruput.txt
hoursago=72 Change this to the number of hours to query against
ADMCMD=<your Install dir>/netbackup/bin/admincmd
print "Total Volume: " bytes/1024 " Mbytes";
if (items>0) {print "Average Throughput: " thruput/items " KBytes/sec "int(((thruput/items)*60)/1024) " MBytes/min"}
# Here is where the real script BEGINS
# First we want to make sure that no jobs are active
# this will provide more accurate thruput results.
$ADMCMD/bpdbjobs -M $MASTER -report | grep Active >/dev/null
# Set variable NOJOBS to the return code of previous line
# if it returned a zero (0), then the condition of the
# until loop is met. If not, we stay in the until
# loop until it is met, sleeping for 10 minutes each
# time the condition is not met
until [ $NOJOBS -ne 0 ]
sleep 600
$admcmd/bpdbjobs -M $MASTER -report | grep Active >/dev/null
# Now the report can be run on the thruput.
$ADMCMD/bperror -M $MASTER -hoursago $hoursago|grep Kbytes/sec > $STATS
echo "===============================================================================" >>$OUTPUT
echo "\t`date`\n" >>$OUTPUT
echo "Global Thruput Summary Report of Master Server $MASTER " >> $OUTPUT
echo "Reporting on the previous $hoursago hours" >>$OUTPUT
echo "===============================================================================" >>$OUTPUT
# Call Thruput function
# Find all Media Servers to report on
$ADMCMD/bpstulist -L | grep Host | sort -u| awk '{print $3}' |
while read mediaserver
$ADMCMD/bperror -M $MASTER -server $mediaserver -hoursago $hoursago |
grep Kbytes/sec > $STATS
echo "===============================================================================" >>$OUTPUT
echo "\n\t`date`" >>$OUTPUT
echo "Individual Thruput Summary Report of Media Server:$mediaserver" >>$OUTPUT
echo "Reporting on the previous $hoursago hours" >>$OUTPUT
echo "===============================================================================" >>$OUTPUT
# Call Thruput function
# Uncomment if you want this to be delivered to someone_who_cares
#cat $OUTPUT | mailx -s "Throughput Statistics Summary" $someone_who_cares
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