I've been using the code from for several years successfully. Recently was given a new computer and while the code runs and no errors (no pop up message boxes or halt in the program) instead of having the report saved with the name generated by vba and to the location specified by vba, the reports are outputted with the actual access report name as shown in the database window. Also instead of saving the report to the server, it is saving locally to the hard drive. Fortunately, IT has let me hang on to the old computer during the transition, so I did a side by side comparison of the settings in acrobat and distiller and did not see anything different in the preferences. Other than the computer being new, the differences between the two computers are the new one is using Windows 7 64 bit, while the old computer is running Windows 7 32 bit. Other than that, the software is same, Access 2010 version 14.0.6129.5000 (32-bit); Acrobat 9 Pro version 9.2.0.