We just posted the newest CCNA level practice exam. It's 60 questions so far and the only thing we ask is that you fillout the feedback form on the download page once you've worked through it. We made some minor edits yesterday to reflect the current feedback. The goal is to get to a pool of roughly 300 questions, 100 per bank for 3 banks. If you have a favorite question that you want to suggest, feel free to send it in. Please, do NOT send *real* questions or copywrited questions from other sources. Spend a few minutes and rewrite it. Or give a suggestion to what you think the question should test. Right now there are not any *sim* questions as we are working on some code to emulate a sim question.
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"The trouble with giving up civil rights is that you never get them back"
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"The trouble with giving up civil rights is that you never get them back"