I have a new Aloha install and when I run the FOH I get an error message 'Not authorized for video'. I used the QSBlank.zip database to start off with, assuming blank meant blank. Turns out this database had fields populated in the VDV.dbf and VGP.dbf tables. My Aloha manager does not have a menu item for Maintenance>Hardware>Video groups so I have no way to go in and clean it out. Only way I could clear out the entries was through MS Access. Even with the no entries in the VGP.dbf table I still get the error message. FOH will not boot if the VGP.dbf file is 'missing'.
Anyone have any ideas how to fix this, or a clean DB to start off with that does not have any Video entries?
Anyone have any ideas how to fix this, or a clean DB to start off with that does not have any Video entries?