I'm not a networking expert, so please excuse me if I'm not up to speed on the technology.
I have a cable modem coming into my house.
This then goes into my wireless router/switch combination (does not have VPN capabilities, but it has the capabilty to forward ssh requests to a different machine on my network)
Each port on the router is linked to a different room in my home. My computer room has only 1 network jack (installed in the wall) which is connected to the router.
I have a WinXP machine that is plugged into this jack.
I want to set up a Linux machine in the same room as my WinXP machine. I want this mahcine to be able to accept ssh requests from the outside world. I know thru my router config that I can pass the ssh requests to the ip address in the computer room, but now how do I need to set up the computer room?
Should I buy a cheap switch and connect the XP and Linux mahcines to the wall jack or do I need another router that can pass the ssh request to the Linux machine (will a switch do this?)
I guess my main objective is for my friend to be able to establish an ssh shell into the Linux machine which is at my place and I only have 1 network jack in the computer room (I want to have 2 computers in the computer room)
Any advice is appreciated
I have a cable modem coming into my house.
This then goes into my wireless router/switch combination (does not have VPN capabilities, but it has the capabilty to forward ssh requests to a different machine on my network)
Each port on the router is linked to a different room in my home. My computer room has only 1 network jack (installed in the wall) which is connected to the router.
I have a WinXP machine that is plugged into this jack.
I want to set up a Linux machine in the same room as my WinXP machine. I want this mahcine to be able to accept ssh requests from the outside world. I know thru my router config that I can pass the ssh requests to the ip address in the computer room, but now how do I need to set up the computer room?
Should I buy a cheap switch and connect the XP and Linux mahcines to the wall jack or do I need another router that can pass the ssh request to the Linux machine (will a switch do this?)
I guess my main objective is for my friend to be able to establish an ssh shell into the Linux machine which is at my place and I only have 1 network jack in the computer room (I want to have 2 computers in the computer room)
Any advice is appreciated